Chapter 5 - Neither do I

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Charlotte's POV
The walk across to Teddy's apartment didn't take as long as normal, thanks to already being halfway across town. And luckily I didn't get rained on like what would usually happen when you tried to go anywhere in Seattle.

As I stepped off the path cutting the corner by walking on the grass in front of his front door, I was pressing the buzzer in under 15 minutes of leaving the broom closet, the broom closet of incredibleness.

"Why are you here Twell?" Teddy's voice sarcastically sounded through the intercom clearly having spotted me on the camera. "You didn't even say hello," I pretend to sound hurt but really I'm not.

"Let me up and I'll explain, Teddy." I continued and then waited for the door to eventually be unlocked.

His apartment door was open but he was not in sight as I entered. Teddy's apartment was small compared to mine and Kate's with the same amount of contents just a few blocks away so it was an easy commute. The warm room was inviting as I sat down on the couch reaching for a throw cushion and screaming with all my might into it.

"So you made it inside and made yourself at home." Teddy startled me as I pulled my face out of hiding. Raising my middle finger I watched as he placed a couple of bottles of beer on the table.

"Do I want to know what's wrong?" He laughed opening two bottles so I could have a drink shaking my head. Fuck my life.

"I had sex in a closet with fucking God on legs!"

Teddy raised his eyebrows before breaking into a smile and chuckling. "Isn't that a good thing, variation is important you know." He was trying to find the good in the situation, but it wasn't.

"Teddy, I said he was gay. Like to his face assuming that he was." I paused having another drink, "Then he gave me the best sex I've had in weeks maybe even ever!" He smiled gently, waiting for the next bombshell. "2 times, ok, 2 orgasms and I didn't have to do it myself after."

He eventually nodded, clearly getting the message that I was broken due to breaking my rule and my body thanks to God on legs. "Did you at least get his name?" He added, hinting that maybe as I'd broken the rule already I might again.

I didn't answer, I didn't have an answer.

The grip around my bottle tightened before I swiftly finished it whilst Teddy smirked, "At least you're never going to see him again so its fine." Making me choke on my beer and splutter a fuck you back at him.

A little while later, along with the rest of Teddy's beers, we both yawned.

"Look Twell, it's late and I'm fairly sure there is at least one pair of your sweats around here somewhere..." He sarcastically said as he stood from the couch. Teddy of course was correct, I practically kept a second wardrobe here. It contained everything from casual to work to clubbing ensuring all the bases are covered. I tended to spend a lot of time here whenever Kate has company, so I found it easier to keep things here rather than always buying new clothes every time I didn't go home.

Raiding the cupboard, I changed into something comfier before getting in the bed besides my best friend. Just before we fell asleep, Teddy mumbled quietly "Was it worth it?"

"Hell yes," I sighed in response before closing my eyes.

The next morning, I like usual when I stayed at Teddy's, I was staring into my second wardrobe wondering what exactly to wear. Managing to make myself even later than I already was thanks to the lack of an alarm clock in this apartment. All I knew was that it was Friday so it was a more casual day for clothes and I was forever grateful that I didn't suffer from hangovers that would make my current state even worse.

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