Chapter 29 - December

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Christian's POV
The last thing I said to Charlotte was I love you and it was also the first thing she heard when she woke up Friday morning around 9 o'clock. I knew she would sleep through her alarm, but I wasn't even going to contemplate waking her up. Yesterday would have been emotional enough without Charlotte's monologue about her life in England.

I was worried that she would have been angry when she found out I was awake, but she was too emotionally drained to do or say anything but cry. I had found it really hard to stay still and 'asleep' while she confessed everything she couldn't say to me while awake. And it was also hard not to moan in appreciation as she played with my hair.

I didn't fall asleep until I knew Charlotte had and even then, I hadn't slept well. I kept imagining everything she had been through and the pain she has felt for someone her age. The worst part was that I knew how the crack whore had affected me and I was at an age where I remembered very little. Charlotte, however, clearly could remember it all but chooses and is able to put it all to one side.

I did briefly wake after about 3 hours of sleep, so I had quickly got out of bed to grab a glass water and leave a note Mrs. Jones that we would have a late breakfast and asking her to let Andrea and Hannah know we both weren't coming in.


That's what I did, I trusted that she would eventually tell me what I hadn't read in the file, and she did. And I felt so much better that it happened the way it did and not by me snooping.

"I love you," I whispered as she lifted her head from my chest to face me. "Good morning, I love you too." She smiled wearily before kissing me and trying to get out of bed. I grabbed her wrists pulling her back to me, "We're staying home till Monday." She rolled her eyes as if she was going to argue but then fell back into bed.

"I'm not tired enough to stay lying here." She complained as I rolled on top of her sucking her neck smiling. "Who said we were sleeping baby..."


Although I said I wasn't going to work today, I was currently sat in my office signing off the weekly research & development report while Charlotte was writing a list of things we had to do before Christmas. I was going to talk to her about our plans for the holiday season, knowing that usually I would work through just from home but this year I didn't even want to think about work.

This year would be different.

As it was Friday, I had presumed Gail would have gone upstairs once she gave us lunch earlier, but I could hear her still in the kitchen past 3 o'clock when I finished my work.

"Afternoon," I said as I came through into the kitchen where they both were, each doing their own things. I lent on the counter next to Charlotte to see what exactly she was writing on her list but before I had a chance, she covered it with her hand.

"Ask if you want to read it, don't do it over my shoulder." She sternly said while I chuckled. "Please may I read our to do list?" She smiled sliding it to me, so I slide it back to her, making her give me a questionable look. "Can you read it to me?" I asked mainly because I wanted to hear her voice. She nodded sweetly before clearing her throat.

"1) Presents – family and work
2) Decorations
3) Work commitments
4) Christmas Party – work?
5) Christmas – where?
6) New Year's"

I glanced at the piece of paper noticing initials underneath presents, ensuring that we didn't miss anyone as well as a side note next to number two. I pointed at it with my middle finger and read it aloud.

"Scrooge's house is plain as fuck," she giggled, and Gail loudly closed a cupboard door in shock, "With 3 exclamation marks!"

I knew she wasn't wrong, but no one had ever really been too into my apartment especially not in the festive season as I would go to Bellevue.

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