Chapter 41 - A celebration . . .

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Christian's POV
"No!" I yelled standing over the silent breakfast table, my chair falling on the floor in the process. While my mother and grandfather are not shocked by my father's statement, everyone else is.

Elliot was quickly stood at my side, not only to show his solidarity but also for when I needed calming down because from experience, he knew that when my voice raises this loud, things get broken. Kate was holding onto Charlotte's hands which like her weren't moving while Mia continued to stare at her phone.

"Who told them?" Elliot asked Mia, who shrugged "Anonymous source, probably a server." Kate scoffed, muttering something under her breath about someone after a big pay day which ignited Carrick's attention.

"Exactly, which is why you need protecting son." I growled slamming my fists on the table, "Don't you fucking dare say what you're hinting at." Before I'd even finished my sentence, my grandmother's eyes were wide open in shock along with her daughters who were both shocked at my language.

"Christian, let's take this into your father's study." Theo suggested, standing from his seat followed by my so called father. I turned to face Charlotte who was still sat in as much shock as she was earlier. "Baby," I whispered softly trying to gain her attention. "I love you, you're not signing anything." I said, making my stance on this matter very clear, before kissing her forehead.

"I'll sign anything they want me to, it's for you Christian, to protect you." She stresses the you while I shake my head, knowing she will not be signing anything. However, her words only seem to encourage my lawyer father whose smile grew.

I squeezed Charlotte's shoulders before walking through the house to my father's study, hearing the sound of chairs moving behind me.

As soon as I slammed the door behind me, I make my feelings known. "How fucking dare you say that." My father tried to respond but I didn't let him. "Do you have no fucking respect for my fiancé, the women who fucking saved me." I leant over his desk so my face was closer to him, sat in his chair like he would when I was younger. "A decent fucking person would have spoken to his son first alone not at a fucking family breakfast the next fucking morning."

"That's enough," Theo's voice boomed louder than I'd heard it before. "Your dad is just trying to look out for you..."

"Charlotte is a fucking gold digger," I began when Carrick spoke up. "I never said she was..."

"You strongly implied it though, dad. That your future daughter in law, the love my life was."

"I thought we'd been through all this bullshit already, you and mum have already cornered her about drugs for fucks sake." I was pulling my hair out while he was calm, but Theo's expression had changed.

"You are an extremely wealthy man, so it would be stupid not to have a prenup in place." He continued ignoring what I had said completely. "Then I am a fucking stupid rich man." I laughed before turning my back on them both and walking out to find the rest of my family.

As I had predicted, my mother and hers were nowhere to be found, presumably now with their husbands who I didn't want to see.

"Hey," I said making my presence known as entered sitting next to Charlotte who was picking at her pancake. "I'm sorry," she whispered making me push my seat out and pull her into my lap. "You have nothing to be sorry for," I said kissing the top of her head as she was hiding her face in my chest. "You are going to be my wife," I smiled as everyone else clapped and cheered. I felt her smiling against my chest slightly before slowly lifting her face away from me.

"I will..." I stopped her with a kissed, "You will marry me." I finished her sentence with an alternative ending to what she had in mind as she nodded.

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