Chapter 35 - Knife Wounds

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Charlotte's POV
Thankfully for me, the traffic on the way back to Seattle was almost non-existent allowing me to make the most of my new car's speed.

When Dr. Hardman walked me to the car park, to say he loved the car more than me was an understatement.

"This is yours?" He asked, and I nodded, "Christmas present." He was gobsmacked, "All I get is a pair of socks." I laughed before safely placing my file in the passenger seat along with my handbag.

Driving up the I5 heading back to Seattle, I felt better than I had since Aspen, free. After everything that happened with Elliot, Grace and Christian's conversation and then organising a merger I was in desperate need for some me time.

As I drove through Olympia, I pulled over to get some fuel along with some Hawaiian Barbecue food for dinner at the recommendation of Elliot who insisted it was better than anything up in Seattle. I placed the takeout out bag on the passenger seat next to my file before checking my phone.

Hey, just leaving Bellingham you home? x ~ Christian

1 hour away, stopped to grab dinner x ~ Charlotte

His message came through half an hour ago so I knew we would be arriving near enough at the same time, so putting my phone in down I hit the road.

I began thinking about last night, how once El and I apologised, Christian and Elliot never left Kate & I alone or went to have a hushed conversation. They both managed to stay in the room without one of them walking out in a strop which makes me hopefully believe that whatever issue they had going on before is over, for good.

When I turned off down 1st Avenue South, I noticed the car behind me also turn off, not thinking much of it I continued to drive to Escala deciding I'd hop in the shower hopefully before Christian got back then could spend the evening eating barbeque and watching a movie.

As I pulled up to the barrier at the entrance to the garage I typed in the code and watched it open before slowly driving in and parking, after 3 attempts, in my spot. Noticing we were missing an SUV told me I'd be home alone until they returned because Mrs. Jones was also away visiting her sister for the weekend.

Grabbing my bag and the food I got out of my car heading to the elevator, planning to come back for my file. Though because I was too busy taking my heels off before the doors closed, I hadn't realised that another car had entered.

A car that definitely didn't fit in with the rest of the residents in Escala.

The doors opened on the penthouse level, where I stepped out carrying my heels and bag in one hand and the food in another. "Ma'am, please let me help you," a young gentleman wearing a black suit said coming out of the security office. I raised my eyebrow at him, waiting for him to introduce himself, even though I knew he was security I wanted to know a name.

"Sawyer, ma'am, Luke Sawyer." He quickly said, "Pleasure to meet you," I replied handing him my shoes with a smile along with the keys to my car.

"Would it be possible for you to go down and grab the file on the passenger seat?" I asked, "Certainly Miss. Twell." He said with a nod, placing my heels on ground beside the cabinet where I'd placed my bag.

As Sawyer disappeared, I turned making my way to the kitchen putting our dinner in the fridge. I looked through the selection of wines in the fridge before deciding I fancied a red which was stored in the wine cellar. Placing a glass ready on the side I made my way to one of my favourite parts of the penthouse.

As I reach for the bottle, I heard the elevator ping. That was quick, I thought to myself wishing the elevator was as quick for me as it was for Sawyer.

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