Chapter 22 - Intruder

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Charlotte's POV
I closed my laptop down and walked out my office past Hannah, my new assistant. I had taken Christian's advice and spoken to Andrea who had suggested Hannah from GEH's HR department to me after briefly working with her a few months ago.

"I'm going out for lunch, I'll be an hour max." She looked up from her screen, "No problem, Miss. Twell. Enjoy," she replied with a slight smirk on her face. Since when did lunch hint at sex? I thought as I managed to get through the building without being stopped for a conversation on my way out.

"Hey," I said as I got in the car kissing Christian's cheek. "You look lovely," he said calmly as Taylor began to drive. "Mile High Club?" He asked even though I knew we were already going there, I nodded still slightly confused why we were having a lunch together which wasn't pre arranged.

"Are you going away or something?" I asked out of curiosity, he shook his head. "Why do you think that?" I sighed turning slightly in my seat, "Because we are having lunch." I thought it was obvious. Christian leaned forward kissing my lips and muttering, "I want to spoil and spend time with my girlfriend, is that OK?" I smiled and nodded as the car came to a stop.

Christian opened his door and walked round to my side before opening my door and helping me out. I got out and glanced around making sure no one was looking, I was still weary of being spotted and Christian knew it as he pulled me closer while we walked towards the entrance and the elevator. "Relax, no one is around," he was confident probably because Taylor had already scanned the area.

We made it through the lobby and into the elevator with ease but much to Christian's disappointment, we weren't alone during the quick journey up to his restaurant.

"Mr. Grey welcome back, you are sat by the window. Your food will be out shortly." The blonde women wearing a black dress said as we walked in not stopping us. "I've already ordered, is that OK?" I nodded, "Do you want wine?" He asked, "Yes please, white if possible." I suggested even though I was going back to work I needed a drink.

"Would you like the salmon or chicken?" The waitress asked us when she came over with our meals followed by another with our bottle of white wine just as Christian had asked. He looked at me wanting me to answer but honestly, I didn't mind. Shrugging my shoulders, I asked for chicken hoping that wasn't the one he wanted.

We began eating, talking what we'd been doing today. He went to see Dr. Flynn which I thought was odd seeing as he usually saw him on Thursday, maybe seeing him prompted our lunch now and Christian being a little bit on edge, different maybe.

I decided to talk about something I'd been planning all morning, "I need to go to mine." I simply stated catching him off guard. "Why?" He asked shocked, "Get my mail, water the plants for Kate. It won't take long." I promised, not thinking it was a big deal until Christian replied.

"Get your stuff, move it into Escala." I stayed quiet, "Move in with me properly." I giggled, "Properly?" Sometimes I wondered how he manages business meetings when he can mess up his words with me so easily. "You already live there all the time, with most of your stuff. So, bring the rest of it and I'll give you a key." He spoke honestly, "Just a key?" I questioned to which he smiled. "A key and anything else you would like."

At the moment I didn't care that we were in a public restaurant, I leaned forward over the table and kissed him on the lips, giving him my answer.


Christian was clearly happy with my answer as he didn't stop smiling until I left the car outside GP, and neither could I knowing that our smiles weren't due to the bottle of wine we had drank. "I'm going to walk to my apartment from here." I said before opening my door, he paused for a moment before replying, "OK, we will meet you there around 6 after my meeting." I nodded kissing him again before walking out and into the building.

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