Chapter 13 - Lifelines

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Charlotte's POV

Reminding you AGAIN that my exhibition is tomorrow (Thursday) ~ Teddy

Let me know if are going to come ~ Teddy

Charlotte it is tonight if you don't want to come you can tell me ~ Teddy

Shit, I knew I was forgetting something.

I had been ignoring my notifications for so long that I hadn't realised Teddy had left so many until I actually did check my phone mid-afternoon at my desk. I finished working at around 16:00 so headed to the gym where I would hopefully decide if I was going to go out or not. It was busier than normal inside so I couldn't escape reality which was probably a good thing, but I was still able to finish in an hour.

I walked backed to my empty apartment still contemplating whether or not to go to Teddy's show. I knew that I really should go because he's family and I did need to get out. And it had been nearly 3 weeks for goodness sake, I should be over it by now and able to cope. But you're not...

I showered and got dressed, picking out a tight plum dress which stopped just above my knees. I put on my black Louboutin's, the ones I wore the day I met him. I then checked my phone, Teddy said it started at 19:00 and its already quarter to but the show was only a couple of blocks away, so I grabbed a coat and began to walk down the road.

When I arrived, it was busier than I'd thought it would be. I was handed a glass white wine expecting it to be rubbish, but it wasn't and began wandering around the large warehouse like room. It was only then that I realised how many photos Teddy had actually taken over the years. They were predominantly landscapes with silhouettes sometimes appearing. One of them for example was of Lake Union last fall at sunset, when Kate and I went with him. Kate's hair is across the lens blocking strips of photo, the piece is called 'blocking the view' even though it makes it that much more special.

I continued to walk when I notice people giving me glances some even staring at me, I wondered if I had something on my face or a stain on my dress but then I realise why.

I turned the corner and only to see me. 7 of me to be exact plastered on the wall. Some of them I'm smiling or laughing, one of them I'm running away another hiding half of my face. Teddy must have taken these when I didn't know or getting ready to take real pictures. I remember us messing around once or twice but I never thought he would use them in an exhibition.

"Charlotte, you came." I heard him call out through the crowd, "Teddy," I said, my voice a mix of happiness and anger. "I tried telling you, but you didn't reply to me," he said quietly before continuing, "I thought you weren't coming." I shrugged unsure of my excuse, "I'm sorry, I've just been..."

An older woman holding a clipboard walked over and began to whisper something in Teddy's ear, saving me from having to continue.

"Well, someone likes them," he turned back to me smiling and took a sip of my wine, "they just brought all of them." I didn't say anything, I was gobsmacked, who would want photos of me out of everything else that is here to buy. "Look I have to mingle, we need a proper catch up it's been weeks and I can tell something's up." I agreed and kissed him on the cheeks still trying to figure out why someone would want pictures of me. Continuing to walk round observing the photographs of me I realised that I did look happy and good in them, I just wished he could have warned me though.

As I was about to walk out of the 'Charlotte Zone' to the next area I felt it, that sensation I haven't felt in 3 weeks, he is here.

I slowly turned around and saw him standing there, about 10m away from me. At first, I observed him with a blank face full of confusion. Has he always looked this good wearing a pair of black jeans and grey sweater?

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