part 2 (Blaise Zabini)

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The whole ride to Hogwarts was just all girl talk. You both feel the train stop and you pick up your purses and leave your about to walk out of your cabin, Athiriah pushes you out of the way and storms out, you fall to the floor and hit your head on the back wall. As you rub your head to get rid of the pain a brown hair and deep dark eyed boy walks up to you and holds out his hand

"That looks like a nasty fall, do you need any help up"

You lock eyes for a second and then you say "oh please I'm not a idiot. I can get up myself " you say a bit angry as you stand up and brush past the boy

He could smell the Sweet cherry and bubblegum perfume you put on. He takes a small wiff, as he turned around and follows you out of your cabin and through the hallway

" Blaise Zabini's the name and yours is?"

Ummm, Envy, Envy Riddle" you say prepared for him to run away

"You mean to say that Tom Riddle also known as you know who is your father, That. Is. AWESOME" Blaise seemed excited like he just got sorted into his house again

As we stepped out of the train. I saw Hagrid, Hagrid knew exactly who I was and who my father is to, so I got a bit worried. But Hagrid didn't even say anything when he saw you he just turned around and started walking with the group of year 5 wizards and witches.

As we stopped at the entrance of the great Hall Hagrid started giving orders to everybody to get into a line. Of course my sister was first but nobody cared about when they found out that she was a riddle after a few people about 15 it was my turn I walked up to Hagrid as he called out my name.

"Envy Riddle"

I quickly grabbed my paper that had all my classes and my roommate in it and ran to the Slytherin table. After a while Blaise got his, walked and sat next to me. I looked worried because I could see everybody staring and talking about me like it was me that gave Harry Potter the scar. I couldn't take it anymore and run out, but somebody run after me I didn't know who it was but when I reached my dorm I turned around and saw Blaise.

" Don't listen to them they don't know who they're talking about, I mean like we've had a riddle here for so long and we never knew, imagine what their thinking Voldemort's daughter has been here for 5 years yet we never noticed how amazingly beautiful she is"

You're sad droopy face became a very big smile and a little chuckle

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk when I first met you, you're better than I thought" you say as you both give each other a hug and walk back to the great Hall and sit back down and what for the feast

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