part 44 (no lies)

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Your pov:

5 weeks later

It was sad to wake up all alone, every day for nothing. me and Harry had sex a week ago and Draco doesn't know yet, I want to tell him to be normal and love me but Stacey will kill.

I found out that Stacey paid Draco's father for them to make us a couple no more, I hate Stacey. Blaise and Pansy know that Draco is normal but no one else. Today is the day I tell Draco to love me and not to fake with Stacey.

I rushed out of bed, got dressed and went for food. On the way I saw Draco and Stacey making out, I teared up as anger and sadness rushed over my body.

I pushed Stacey to the floor and smashed Draco's and I lips together, little did I know that Draco was going to pull away, I ran to the bathroom and cried, why did Draco stop.

I heard the door open and see Draco walking to me, a little ball on the floor is all he could see, I stood up.

Draco's pov:

Envy stood up and I just couldn't help myself, I broke up with Stacey.
I pushed Envy to the wall with our lips intertwined, my hand caging her. The taste of cherry, just the way I like it. The moment didn't last long but it felt like hours.

Braking the kiss was so hard. Yet we did and walked out and to our first class DATDA. We were 10 minutes late but weren't in trouble as we sat down and started work Envy asked a sad question.

"Did you have sex with Stacey?"
"What n-no"
"Oh but the pause you had, you did didn't you"
"Envy you had sex with Harry, I promise I didn't have it with Stacey" I said grabbing her thigh I saw her happier are I did.

I didn't have sex with Stacey even though multiple times she made me make out with her never did I have sex with her.

Envy's pov:

I got up and packed my things when the teacher said we could, I left without Draco, but he caught up with me, hugging me from behind, kissing my neck.

We walked into the  great hall to meet with Blaise, I spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione, Draco and I walked over to them and sat down.

"Oh it's pottah" Draco said and I pinched his thigh to tell him to be nice, he gripped on to my thigh and didn't let go as we all talked but Draco.

He kept creeping towards my clit, in minutes he was drawing circles on it, my arms were on the table so I couldn't stop him without it looking weird, so I let him.

Draco moved my panties and fingered me with 2 fingers, then 3, by that I couldn't breath, he said and stopped got up and walked me to our dorm.

As soon as that door shut Draco kissed me, pushing my body to a door and walking to the bed he was now hoovering over my body, he didn't waist anytime and just like  that we where both naked.

Without warning he shoved his dick inside me and thrusted fast not letting me adjust to his size.

"Fuck...moan... Draco let me adjust...moan..."

"No, take it love" he pulled out to only smash back into me I screamed out moaning everywhere. He kept going and didn't stop.
It started to hurt but I think he knew that it was.

"Draco...moan... Draco stop...moan... It hurts" his hands tightening around my arms as he stopped looking up at me, we where both sweating like a lot.

"Fuck that felt good" Draco said and then cam inside me and then pulled out but to only push 3 fingers in my pussy, and just like that I cumed on his fingers and he licked it up and kissed me.

We didn't bother going to class because we missed like 3 of them, we just laid there naked under his soft sheets.

"I love you Draco" I said cuddling with him

"I love you Envy" Draco told me with a smile

I don't like when people say "I love you too" I think it means that they are agreeing with me and I don't want that, to say "I love you" is telling me that you love me with on too at the end is saying that you would love me even if I was ugly or fat, my mother use to say "I love you too Envy" and that hurt. Even my sister said that. That's why I know that my family hates me.

Hey guys I'm back

Love you all 💖💓💓💖💗💓💖💖💖💗💓💓💗💗

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