part 42 (I don't know)

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Three months later

Your pov:

I haven't talked to Draco in a long time and I've been sleeping in Blaises dorm on the floor and sometimes on Pansy's bed, when they sleep together. I can stop thinking about Draco, the fact that he looks at me like he doesn't know me is weird, he's always near Stacey, she's snuggling up with him and he doesn't care, people say that they are together but I never see him kiss her, it's always her that kisses him, I had the Hickey's for 2 weeks, give or take, and Blaise told me he had his for about 2 weeks too, Pansy didn't care that we did it because she did it with Draco, she said, and I quot 'I don't care about you and Envy because I know my best friend will never do anything to hurt me, Blaise you are the best boyfriend ever' I was so happy to know that we where still besties, Blaise and I are close, he's like a Brother to me now, I still can't stop thinking about Draco though. I wish we could just talk.

A week after the brack up

Draco's pov:

My father told me 'I'm glad that you are not with that girl anymore' I wasn't, I should just talk to her, my father and mother invited Stacey to the Manor and she stayed in my room, I get her to sleep on the floor, but J would wake up with her.
One day she came to me and tried to obliviate me, luckily I moved in time and she thought didn't, I had to be with her and date her, what will Envy think, shit.

Present time as Envy

It was dinner and I sat down, Stacey tried to sit on my lap but I moved forward so she couldn't, I spotted Envy with Serkan, and they looked happy, they sat Infront of me and Stacey and didn't even see us, Blaise and Pansy came and sat next to me.
"Oh Draco I didn't see you there" Envy looked at me, shit I have to act like I don't know her.
"I'm sorry I don't know you"
"Draco doesn't know who you guys are ok leave" Stacey spoke after me and my heart sank, Serkan looked at Envy
"You ok" then out of nowhere she kissed him, lips locked, I felt a rise of gilt, knowing I should just tell her, she looked at me and smiled sarcastically and said
"Keep her she's a whore anyway" she got up with Serkan and left, as did Blaise and Pansy, Stacey kissed me and I just said
"I need to use the bathroom" I got up and I left, I rushed out to see Envy all alone, perfect, I pushed her into the bathroom and pushed her to the wall, kissing her lips, tongue down her throat, she pushed me away
"Yes" she looked at me and hugged me so tight I could barely breath.
"Stacey tried to obliviate me and she thinks it worked, I know everything, she paid my father to get us together, Envy I'm sorry" I heard footsteps and pushed her into a stool and shut the door, Stacey walked in and kissed me, I stood still not knowing what to do when she got on her knees and pulled my pants down.
"Stacey stop" I said but she didn't, Envy will be crying at this, she stated to suck and I moaned, ok it was not that good but for 3 months I have to take it, she got faster and I got scared, I pushed her away and she fell back, I cleaned myself and told Stacey "I told you to stop" she just slapped me and walked out, I went to the stool Envy was in and slowly opened it, she looked at me with maskara all over her face, she had cried, I walked to her and hugged her saying
"I froze, it will never happen again" with me saying that she hugged me tight, not wanting to let go, we walked out and acted like we didn't know each other, we had the whole day to be normal, and she did.

Your pov:

I was so used to not talking to Draco that when it was midnight, the knock at the door was weird, I open it and Draco said
"You have to come back" we both walked out and got to our dorm, Stacey was in Draco's bed and I teared up, he kissed me and put me to sleep, he got in bed with Stacey and I could feel that he wasn't touching her.

Ti was the morning and Draco woke me up, Stacey saw me and said
"So I see that you are getting to know her Dray"
"Don't call me that" he said walking to my wardrobe and getting shorts and a big top, he smiled at me as he gave it to me and I said
"Thanks bestie" and walked to the bathroom and put it on

Ti was the morning and Draco woke me up, Stacey saw me and said"So I see that you are getting to know her Dray""Don't call me that" he said walking to my wardrobe and getting shorts and a big top, he smiled at me as he gave it to me and I said"Tha...

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I walked out and saw Stacey kissing Draco.
"Draco, you like it"
He looked at me and gave me and hug, it was so funny to see how Stacey reacted, she looked at me and said
"So Draco are you walking me to class"
"I was going to walk in t so we had get to know each other" Draco said
"NO, she can walk her fat ass there herself" I got mad and said
"And you can too" she looked at me and walked out grabbing Draco with her. I walked to class myself.
As I walked in I saw Serkan and he smiled at me, I sat next to him and got my book out, the whole lesson me and Serkan where talking and having funny, Serkan put his hand on my lap and squeezed my thigh, I didn't think that much of it.
I went to my dorm and saw Draco
"Rules" he said walked up to me
" Rule number 1" he pushed me to the wall
"Dating others is fine but on baby's, and I can tell you to not be with them" he put both my hands up over my head with a grip and put his hand down my panties
"Number 2, I can fuck you when Stacey isn't here" he started to rub my clit and I moaned
" Number 3, no jealousy" pushing 3 fingers in my pussy making me bend.
"And the last one, after this is over its back to normal" he kissed me and pulled out licking his fingers clean, I had a shower to clean myself and Draco went to Stacey's dorm room.

I'm sorry for that

Love you all💖💓💗

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