part 46 (the end)

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Envy's pov:

I woke up on a soft bed but yet still cold I turn around to see nothing but a note I obviously knew the note was from Draco but what could it be, I opened the note and read it out

Dear, Love
I I'm outside in the forest waiting for you there's something I need to tell you.
I love you
Sincerely - D.M

I rushed to my wardrobe putting on my best out today greenhills dress with a slut down the side, I run into the Forest to stumble across a picnic, the walk over to the picnic and look at it, as I was looking a pair of hands wrapped around my waist kissing my neck, I flinched but then realized it was Draco, I turn my head kissing him softly on the lips, we both sat down and started to eat.

The chocolate coated strawberries,
The little croissants,
The sandwiches cut into equal parts triangle's,
And my favorite the cake, fully covered in red velvet fondant with a fluffy inside.

We finished eating and we both stood up, but as soon as I stood up Draco got down on one knee, he said in a soft voice words I will never forget.

"Envy Willow Malfoy, I hoped that that would be your name one day. even though we've had our ups and downs, our pleasure and pain, I have loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you, I thought I would never be able to say that you were mine, but now I can, you are my oxygen and I need you in my life, so Envy Willow Riddle will give me the honor of calling you my own and will you marry me?"

"OMG DRACO YES" before he could even put the ring on my finger I bent down and kissed him aggressively but soft, he laid back on the floor with me on top still kissing, breaking that beautiful kiss was so hard but we ended up stopping, he reached for my hand and slid the gold, beautiful sparkly ring on my finger.

as he did tears dropped out of my eyes, knowing that before this ever happened, before me and him, it was enemies, to enemies with benefits, then to the perfect couple, and now the couple that were enemies and now a lovers married to each other.

as he did tears dropped out of my eyes, knowing that before this ever happened, before me and him, it was enemies, to enemies with benefits, then to the perfect couple, and now the couple that were enemies and now a lovers married to each other

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16 years later

You and Draco got married as an all black wedding the only person wearing white was you.

draco's Dad finally let you in the family and you are now happy.

you had three children two boys one girl,
Vendetta the girl,
Scorpius the eldest boy,
And Lusifer a boy, youngest of them all.

You got lots of money and now have a job as does Draco you live in a big mansion that has over 100 rooms.

You play games with your kids where they hide in a room and you try to find them.

You and Draco still have sex when pansy and blaise take them out, which is every second day.

Envy's pov:

I love Draco with all my heart and I would never leave him because.

It's Draco, Only Draco...

Hope you like this story, I might just stick to smut short stories sorry if you want anyone as a smut story tell me.

Love you all so much 💗💗💗💖💓💓💖💖💗💗💖💓💓💓💖💖💗💗💗💖💓💓💓💗💓💗💓💖💓💓💓💖💖💖💖💓💓💖💖💗💗💖💗💗💓💗💖💖💖💗💓💗💓💗💗💓💗💖💗💗💓💗💗💓💗💗💓💗💗💖💖💗💓💗💓💓💗💗💗💓💗💖💓💖💖

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