Part 30 (back to Hogwarts)

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your pov:

my eyes fluttered trying to open and they did but I wish I didn't open them, I was laying on Draco's chest, our legs intertwining with each others, he was warm and that made me happy, I pulled the sheets off of me and started to get out of bed and that was my turning point I saw that we where both naked, I screamed and ran bed to the bed jumping on Draco waking him up, he looked shocked and shot up out of bed and looked at me mad, "WE HAD SEX DRACO" I yelled at him shooting under the blankets, Draco laughed at what I said and told me "you weren't lying when you said you wont remember anything"

"what are you talking about"

"while we had sex you said that you wont remember anything and I guess you don't remember anything do you"

"well I mean I remember I drank and Stacey slapped me across the face and you took me to bed and started to kiss me but I thought I left"

"well you tried to but I pulled you back and we started to make out and then one thing led to another and we had sex, its not that bad Envy calm down"

"easy for you to say, I was drunk and you took advantage of that"

"you started to kiss me to I wasn't to only one, you even gave me a blow job so don't say anything about that I took advantage of you"

"ok well, I'm sorry for fucking you but its not happening again" I got up and walked away but Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me back to bed as half of my body was off the bed he kissed me and pulled the rest of my body up on to the bed and I stopped he from going further with things.

"no, no, no, no, this is not happe-" before I could finish he put his finger on my mouth and out of nowhere he pushed his dick inside my pussy and I arched my back, it felt like it broke but it felt good, Draco moved him finger and kissed me hard and passionately, it wont hurt to do it again.

our lips where locked in together as he pushed in harder I moaned in his mouth, he got faster every time he went in and I loved it, I could feel my climax coming and I told him and his response was "don't do it, wait till I say so ok" I nodded "words darling" I was trying to say something but every time I tried he got deeper making me moan, so I nodded again and he moved my legs more to get more of him inside me and I liked it, his bed was shacking as was my legs but he nor did I care.

this went for 30 minutes until we heard a knock on his door and we stopped and pretended that we were getting dressed and I ran to the door half naked and opened it slightly and saw Draco mum, we started to talk and then Draco grabbed me ass and stuck his dick in and I wanted to gasp but I couldn't.

He kept going to while me and Narcissa where talk and to be honest I liked it but it was at the wrong time and he knew that.

"you should get ready for the train to Hogwarts and tell Draco. bye"

"bye" and I shut the door and Draco stopped and laughed as he got dressed

"that was not funny Draco" I say walking to him and kissing him, "but I liked it" I strolled to the bathroom with my clothes and got dressed

i walked out and grabbed Draco then kissed him with tongue, I pulled away and he was so confused and I said "one more chance, if you fuck this one up ill make sure that my family kills you, ok" he nodded and kissed me as he rested his arms on my h...

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i walked out and grabbed Draco then kissed him with tongue, I pulled away and he was so confused and I said "one more chance, if you fuck this one up ill make sure that my family kills you, ok" he nodded and kissed me as he rested his arms on my hips, his fingers locked together and my hands on his neck.

"I missed this, you and me, I loved it" he pecked my lips and got my luggage and put it out side and I wanted to help so took his and walked out to the carriage and put them up on it, I turned around and saw dobby.

"I'll miss you miss Envy" dobby hugged me and I hugged him back and whispered "you can visit me at Hogwarts" he let go and nodded then disappeared. Draco hugged me from behind and kissed my temple.

we got on the carriage and went to the train station. we got there and went throw the wall together and we saw Pansy and Blaise, I ran to them and jumped into their arms and didn't want to let go, the hug lasted a minute as Draco walked over and shacked Blaise's hand and Pansy's. we all walked on the train and I saw Hermione and Ron, I rushed to them and hugged them and said hi and we talked for a while until Draco wrapped his cold arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, he spoke in my ear.

"darling we need to go to the slitherin part come on lets go" I said bye and we walked to the slitherin part and sat down in a cabin with Pansy and Blaise. they where making out the whole way there and I slept on Draco's lap as he played with my hair, platting it then undoing it. plat, no plat, plat, no plat.

someone touched my shoulder, and I woke up and saw that everyone was leaving so I did to, with Draco. we ran all the way to the castle and walked in with pink faces but that suddenly disappeared and we where normal again as we sat down in front of Pansy and Blaise, Pansy looked at me to say 'are you with Draco again' and I smiled and kissed him, he looked at me and whispered "what was that for" "oh nothing just felt like it" and I smirked and then turned to Pansy to see her face, it was priceless.

we finished the welcome feast and went to our dorms, I ran to a spot in the room and Draco looked confused, I said a spell and a little note appeared and I sighed in relief. I put the note back and it blended in with the wall. I ran to Draco and kissed him, he walked to his bed as I walked backwords and fell on his bed and he got on me and kissed me, the kisses turned into a make out and Draco was grinding me and it felt good but then it ended as did the make out, I wasn't mad but I was sad, just a bit. "I'm going to have a shower ok" " ok" I walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

Draco's pov:

she walked into the bathroom and I think this is the best opportunity to see what the note that she had said. I sat on the floor in front of the place she was and said the spell and a note flew out of the wall and I picked it up and opened it.


I'm sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger but I think you will like it

love you all💓💓💗💖💗💓💖💗💓💖💓

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