part 36 (the drunk and the hurt)

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My quidditch uniform was a bit small so you could see some of my tits, I walked out and Draco's eyes looked right at my tits and smirked, I walked over to him and kissed him and whispers "you like it" he nodded and kissed me as he put his hands on my boobs and rubbed them. Draco got dressed and we walked out and to the quidditch match.

Draco in a quidditch uniform it so hot, expecially in practise, the way he moves through the wild, his hair flying across his face, god I can't stop looking, I even got distracted but it so much I didn't hear my name get called to catch the snitch, Blaise yelled

"ENVY THE SNITCH, GET IT" I snapped back into reality and flew towards the snitch, I could sense the seeker in Hufflepuff right on my tail. I ducked under the snitch and flew up so fast the Hufflepuff seeker almost fell off his broom, I caught the snitch, I flew to the ground tired and fell off my broom, I felt lightheaded and sick, it was definitely a curse, I could feel someone pick me up and fly me to hospital wing.

I wake up in a sad bed, I see the nurse walk up to me and hand me a cup of tea as she said

"Oh my lord, it's been three day and you are awake, Mr, Malfoy refused to leave you here even when I told him you would awaken soon" I looked at Draco as he sat on the chair , head in hands fast asleep, I smiled and drank the tea. I finished the tea and could see Draco move as his eyes fluttered open to see me awake.

He jumps up and into my arms with a tear, he hugged me and didn't want to let go. "I was so worried about you, thank god your ok" I pull straight out of the hug and said with a stern voice "one more chance ok, if me or you fuck up, whether it's sex, make out, or even a kiss, we are over" "deal" and back to the hug. Later we where sitting on the common room couch and talking to Blaise and Pansy, Draco put his hand on my thigh as him and Blaise where talking about sex, he gripped my thigh and moved closer to my clit, I was worried that they might see him touching me so I got up and said "Draco we need to get you potions better, let's go" he got up and we went to our dorm, as we walked in Draco locked the door and I get our potion books, I think I might tease him, Draco sat down next to me and put his hand thigh as I was talked about the potion that will make anyone do what you want.
"Now did you get all of that?" Draco looked up at me and pushed me to the floor, he get on top of me and whispered in my ear "don't tease me Envy" he looked deep into my eyes "I'm not" I knew I was but this is not what I wanted, he smashed in my lips before I could catch my breath and kissed me, his tongue was all the way in and I didn't like it, he was using me for sex. I pushed him off of me and slapped him "stop trying to use me for sex" I yelled standing and walking to his bed and going to sleep. I heard him leave, I didn't want him to but he did and he's probably going to fuck Stacey behind me back.

Draco's pov:

I walked out of the room anger, why would she think I'm using her, I know we have sex all the time but I love her more then any other person in my life. I walked to Blaises dorm to see him and Pansy making out is smoke and the smell of alcohol, I walked in and got a bottle and drank it. It was about an hour later that I couldn't think properly, I was drunk and a bit high, I tripped over my shoe as I walked down the hall, I get into my dorm and pull the blanket off of Envy as I get on top of her she woke up, I kissed her and she could definitely taste the alcohol in my mouth and pushed me back, I fell on to her pussy and touched it, I didn't mean to, I got up and sat next to her and we started to watch a movie, it came to a sex seen and I got a big boner.

Your pov:

I saw his boner but didn't worry about it. He tried to cover it and move, but then he got on me and started to grind on me he tried to kiss me but I moved away and tried to get away from him but he stopped me.
"Draco stop it" I was trying to get out of him grinding me but he pushed me back down and kissed me as he held my arms down, I started scratching his rists and squirming around, screaming into his mouth, as he started to undress me, he grabbed both my hands onto my stomach as he took his belt off and wrapped it around my hands and on to the bedframe, he put a silent charm on the room and pulled his pants down, I was scared, I screamed and screamed but he put a silent charm on my mouth and said "I don't like you screaming" and slammed into me "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs and all I could feel was pain in my body, he got faster and later the pain turned into pleasure, and I was moaning. Draco took the silent charm off my mouth and pushed into me deep "I knew you would like it" he said, I tried to talk but when I did I would just moan.
"Draco...moan... Go faster" and he did, I was a moaning mess as he smashed into my pussy, I felt my climax and I yelled out as I cumed all over him "DADDY" he smirked and said "that's my name love" he cumed inside of me and pulled out, all the cum fell out of my pussy and Draco cleaned it up, I sat up and cleaned Draco's dick with my mouth, Draco got up and got dressed in pyjamas, I stood up and fell to the floor and Draco said "falling for me I see" he chuckled and picked me up, put me in the bath and ran the hot water. After an hour in the bath I got out, the water made my muscles relax, I walked out and straight after I walked to my wardrobe Draco rushed into the bathroom and puked. I quickly got dressed and ran in.

I kneeled down to Draco that was hung over the toilet, I rubbed his back and he looked at me and hugged me saying "oh Envy I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was drunk, please forgive me, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so dumb and I know...

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I kneeled down to Draco that was hung over the toilet, I rubbed his back and he looked at me and hugged me saying "oh Envy I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was drunk, please forgive me, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so dumb and I know I shouldn't have done that but I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing" I hugged him back, I was happy that he cared about me, "it's ok Draco, I know you where drunk and I should have been more protective of myself" I could feel a smile on my shoulder "I love you Envy" I wanted to say it back but I couldn't, I don't know why, I was worried that he would cheat on me again, he pulled out of the hug and looked sad he stood up and said "goodnight Envy" in a sad voice and I got up and walked out to see Draco asleep, I saw a tear come out of his eye and I wiped it away and kissed his cheek and whispered "I love you Draco" and get in bed with him, I didn't want to wake him so I slept on the other side of the bed, as far away from Draco as I could.

I think the started is really cute

Love you all💖💓💗💗💓💖💖💗💗💓💓💖💗💖💓💓💖💓💓💗💖💓💗💗💖

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