part 20 (the party)

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It has been 4 months since you talk to Draco, even in quidditch use would not talk at all, you never saw him come back to your dorm, but when you wake up you see his bed messy so you know he's been there. Tomorrow is the Halloween ball and you and pansy get your clothes to go to the Halloween ball. When you go back to your dorm to put your clothes away you see a note on top of a pile of your underwear, you open the note and read it

Dear, Riddle

I don't know how to keep you safe from me, your like a drug and I can't get enough.
I have returned the things that were rightfully yours. I should never had started this but I can still remember how we met.
Your crystal blue eyes met my grey and depressed eyes at the train station.
I'm so sorry for what I have done to you.

-Sincerely, D.M

As you read the note you started to tear up but you didn't worry about it instead you got dressed for bed and went to sleep

As you read the note you started to tear up but you didn't worry about it instead you got dressed for bed and went to sleep

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It is the next day and you sleep in 4 for 3 hour. After that pansy runs into your dorm and yells at you to get dressed. You put on black heels and a black hooking dress

 You put on black heels and a black hooking dress

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This is your dress

This is your heels you are wearing to the Halloween party

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This is your heels you are wearing to the Halloween party

After you get ready you look over and see what pansy is wearing

After you get ready you look over and see what pansy is wearing

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"Wow bitch you look hot"

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"Wow bitch you look hot"

"Thanks E" you both walk down to the Slytherin common room as you walk in everybody is eyes we're burning through your skin. All the boys were staring at are you, pansy was alright with that because she was already with Blaise, THE PERFECT COUPLE. As you came down the stairs you saw Draco kisses Stacey, you didn't care. You walked up to Harry and started to grind on him to the music, you turned around and started to passionately kiss Harry with tongue, Harry kissed back, as your tongues were searching each other's mouth you feel his dick get hard and you stop kissing and go back to grinding. After a while you stop and you go get shots. 1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots, you think you had 6 shots  maybe even more but you saw Stacey on top of and making out with a ravenclaw boy. You run to Draco but trip and fall into his arm.

"Stacey trying to fuck a ravenclaw" you say drunk and you walk Draco to show his Stacey and he gets mad and turns and starts to Make out with you and Stacey comes over and pushed you on the floor.

"You whore" Stacey yelled at you

"Go back to fucking that ravenclaw boy Stacey" Draco said helping you up and Stacey leaves and you and  Draco know that it's over between him and Stacey, we think that she knows to.

It was 8:54 and everyone was gone and you were fucked, you drank 9 shots and a half a bottles of scotch. Draco had to take you back to your dorm and get you dressed for bed and he layed you down on his bed and got in. You strated to cuddle him and he didn't move instead he cuddled you back and you said

"Draco, I missed you, I think I-" and you fell asleep holding Draco in your arms, your head on his chest. Draco fell asleep think of you.

Draco's thought:

What was she going to say

I think I like you

No she hates me for getting with Stacey

That bitch she got with a ravenclaw

Doesn't matter it's over but what was Riddle going to say

I'll just ask her tomorrow

And he slept with you and a smile

I love this, that is all

Love you all💓💗💖❤️💖❤️❤️💖💗💗💖❤️💓💓❤️💖💗

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