part 18 (Why is it always Malfoy)

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When Draco came in, he when to have a shower and came out with a white towel around his waist and drenched hair, it turned you on and Draco took that in.

"You like what you see Riddle"

"Go away Malfoy, your just using me asshole"

"You think I can tell Blaise that we a enemies with benefits, no I can't, please forgive me Riddle" he walks up to you ( he is dressed not still in the towel) and gets on top of you and starts to lightly hump you and you can feel his dick getting a boner as he grinds on you he kisses you and puts your arms over your head and makes out with you. You move your head away after a bit of making out and say.

"Malfoy your drunk, go to bed and let go of my hand" it was nice but mean and Draco didn't like that

"No I'm not, and I will do whatever I want to you Riddle you can't tell me what to do" he said to you while choking you and you couldn't breathe.

"Malfoy stop your choking me" you say in a Stuttering voice because you couldn't breathe. Draco just kissed you as he was grinding on you and he loosened his grip on your throat. He let you catch your breath and then started kissing you, and gave you Hickey's, and heaps of them (he still had your hands above your head).

"Malfoy stop your drunk"

"I'm not drunk, and no I will not stop until you are screaming my name"

"You know I won't say it Malfoy"

"Let's see about that, but first get on your knees"

You got on your knees and unbuckle Draco's pants and pulled down his sweatpants and boxers to see what you thought 9 inches but looked bigger. You disided to just go for it and you put it in your mouth and deep throated it but you gaged, it was bigger, who cares you put it back in and deep throated it again as Draco moaned and groaned your name, he grabbed big clumps of your hair and smashed your head in and you gaged like fuck and you couldn't breathe again, then you remembered that Draco is drunk, he cums in your mouth and you swallow it down. After he pulled you up from the ground and kissed you as you both layed down on his bed and he pulls your pants off and takes off your bra top. You striped him and you put a slight charm on the room and Draco smirked at you as to say I know you are going to be screaming. All of a sudden he smashed in your pussy making up arch your back a lot.

"UHHHHH, UGH FUCK MALFOY, AHUHA UHAUAHUH AHHUAHUA" you couldn't stop moaning but it was only 8 inches in. He put in 9 inches and went deeper inside you, you moaned even louder, you cum and he told you not to do it again.

"Now say my name Riddle"

"No, UGH" he pumped in another inch you start to cry.

"Say my name Riddle and this will all go away" you wanted to say it but you couldn't let him win.

"No I will never say it, AHHHHHHH" he pulled you down so he could get another inch inside you and he did and you start to cry even more and you can feel blood dripping on to the bed as you scream in pain but pleasure at the same time, your legs begin to shake violently.

"Say it, say it Riddle NOW" Draco pushed all his dick inside you and you wanted to cum so bad so you do what he told you to do.

"FUCK DADDY, STOP, GO SLOWER, DADDY GO SLOWER, FUCKKKK STOP AHUAHAUHAUA HAUAHHAJUAH" you scream out and Draco started to get sloppy and stoped.

"I told you you would say my name Riddle"
He looks down at your pussy and see all the blood and pulled out his dick and added.

"Shit not again, and your shaking too, fuck sacks I'm sorry, why do I do this to you Riddle, why do you let me do this to you, I'm hurting you Riddle"

"I know, I know but I can take it trust me Malfoy I'm fine, it hurts but it won't tomorrow"

"I'm so sorry Riddle, I can't do this anymore, I'm not letting me hurt you again"

"What No, No I'm fine please Draco don't do this"

"I'm having a shower with you and than I'm never touching your body again, now come here" he walks up to you and you both have a shower together and then you end up cuddling as you fall asleep.

Your thoughts:

Why Envy Why

I don't know

You don't like him, this needs to stop

No it can't he is like a drug to me, I just can't get enough of him

Your hurting yourself for a boy that doesn't like you one bit Envy

Shit what am I doing

Your sister Athiriah doesn't do this

Hope you like this I know that it is sad at the end but it gets more sad soon

Love you all so much❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗💓💓💓💗❤️❤️💖💓💖❤️💗💗

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