Part 29 (Malfoy party)

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your pov:

I got dressed, did my make up and my hair, I walked out and saw Stacey and Draco making out in the corner, I went to the drinks and drank a hole bottle of vodka and in seconds I felt drunk but I didn't care much of it and started to dance, the night was still young but I felt drunk as fuck and I didn't want to stop at lots of drinks I wanted to stop with a boy in my bed, well Draco's bed to be precise.

I saw a boy my age and walked up to him and started to grinned on him, he was amazing, guiding my hips across his dick, I got up to his face kissed him and he kissed me back, I didn't know who it was until I saw Stacey get up and slap me across the face and yell " DONT TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND ENVY" "so you cant even stay with one guy, you can go fuck that boy outside and ill be fucking Envy in my bed, where you were suppose to be" Draco said and picked me up over his shoulder.

I felt dizzy as I was taken up the steers. the door flew open and Draco threw me on the bed and got on top of me he looked deep into my eyes and kissed me, it was a passionate kiss but I was still mad so I pushed him away and sat up "Don't try to fuck me Draco, just leave me alone" I told him as I got up to leave but got pulled down on to the bed but this time much harder and I hit my head on the wall and felt really dizzy as my vision got blurry.

 I saw a figure appear on me as they kissed, their hand slid up my stomach as they pulled my straps down and started to touch my boobs. my vision regained and it was Draco, FUCK DRACO IS TRYING TO FUCK ME, the thought of Draco touching my skin felt good, I want him and I don't care if Stacey hates me after because I hated her the day I saw her.

Draco's pov:

I touched her tits and OMG I loved it, I pulled her dress down as I was still kissing her and surprisingly she was liking it, she was kissing me too, I rubbed her clit and she moaned, I moved her panties and slipped a finger down in her and said "I see your wet for me already, you dirty girl" I pumped my finer in and out of her faster every time. her moaning was so in sink with my finger that I put another finger in and got deeper into her, her moaning filled my room as every time she tried to speak she would just moan.

I stopped at looked at her, I knew I was teasing her so I put three fingers in her pussy and she arched her back and sat up half way and screamed "DRACO...moan... FUCK ME ALREADY" I pulled down my pants and on to the floor they went as did her panties. she ripped my top off and threw it to the ground, I pushed my dick in her pussy and she screamed because I put all 9 inches in her and she loved it. I moved faster pumping deeper, it got to the point where she moaned and cumed inside herself as did I.

her legs where shacking and all I could hear was the sweet cries of pleasure coming out of her small mouth. I didn't stop but thumped harder and saw she shed a tear down her face as she panted "OMG...moan...SLOW DOWN...moan...DADDY SLOWER" I went slower to please her, I didn't stop though I was still going and then she said "you know I wont remember this tomorrow so make it worth your while" I pushed in harder and faster. her moaning was all I wanted to hear, I pulled her legs forwards so I could get more access and I did, I was still going but I got tired and than stopped, I was to tired to do anymore , I saw she was too.

I laid down next to her breathing heavily, she got on top of me and started to suck me off and it was great and unexpected, I was moaning like crazy. I mean the way she moves is insane I don't know how she does it, and she put all 9 inches in her mouth like she would gag I guess its because she is drunk, she was going but she stopped and kissed me. the party was over 50 minutes ago, OMG we where in here for half an hours, that is the longest I've been with a girl. she laid down and put her head on my chest and I covered us up and kissed her forehead, closed my eyes and the next second I was fully blacked out.

ok so I think this was good but I think I could do better

love you all💓💗💖💖💗💓💖💖💗💓💗💖💖💗

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