part 33 (Please wake up Envy)

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Your pov:

He got in the stool with me. He pushed me to the toilet and kissed me, I love Draco, I stood up and he pulled his pants down and stuck it in me, shit when did it get smaller, he was kissing me and it was different.
He was going hard and passionately in my pussy my climax can really quick and he pulled out and I cumed all over the toilet.
He pushed me on the seat once again and shoved him dick in my mouth and I sucked, hard and good, he was moaning and I could hear something different, I kept going then the door flung open and Draco was there.

"Wait there's to Draco"

Draco threw the guy into the wall and he started to bleed. I looked up at Draco and went unconscious.

Draco's pov:

I ran to find the bathroom and saw it. I rushed in and saw the new boy and Envy.

"Wait there's two Draco's"

I threw the guy into the wall and he was bleeding on my shoes. Envy looked up at  me, she look strange, like she was drugged and went unconscious. I put here clothes on and picked her up, I took her to Pansy and Blaise room and kicked the door and put her on the bed and walked out and got to my dorm and fell asleep.

I woke the next day to a knock no the door, I opened it and saw Stacey.


"I'm sorry I was drunk, but do you want to talk about it"

"No fuck off"

"Please Draco" I looked at the floor and opened the door wider and she ran and jumped on my bed. I got on the bed to and she put her hand on my leg, she slid it higher as we talked about how last night was and how I found Envy, I was still mad at her and I didn't want to talk to her. Stacey's hand was rubbing my dick and she slid her hand in, pulled my shorts down and her shorts and sat on my dick as it sank into her pussy, I groaned when she got faster, going up and down on me. She cumed on me and wiped it with her index finger and put inside my mouth and I swallowed it, yuck it was shit, it was terrible the taste. We Fucked for 1 hour and then she fell asleep in my bed and I cuddled her, my dick was touching her ass and I moved to get comfortable and she did, as we moved my dick slid inside her pussy and she gasped and I went with it and pushed in multiple times and them stopped, put some boxers on and cuddled her again.

Your pov:

Ouch my head, wait why am I in Pansy and Blaise room, odd.

I got up and saw Pansy And Blaise cuddling in the other bed. I started to get up and heard Pansy.

"OMG, Envy your awake, do you remember anything"

"Yeah I messed up a lot, but I was drunk"

"More like drugged" I turned and saw Blaise sit up from the bed and I saw him abs, I looked back at Pansy

"Go talk to him" she said

"Fine" I walked out and strolled through the hall and to our dorm, I unlocked the door and walked to Draco's bed and tapped his shoulder, as he turned around and got up , sitting straight, I saw brown hair and no top or bra on her back as it was showing, nor did Draco have a top either. I looked at him and slapped him, he touched his face and got up as I walked away and to the door, Draco stormed to me and grabbed my hand, pushing me to the wall, my neck was up against the wall and Draco got really close to my ear and whispers "don't touch me"

"Or what" I stumbled upon my mouth. Right after I spoke he turned me around and held me to the wall with his big hand, crushing my throat in his palm, it was painful, a tear streamed down my face as a grasped on to Draco arm trying to pull it away or off, trying to loosen the grip, I could barely speak, heavily breathing as I tried to speak the words of "Draco stop" I saw the girl got up and put a hoodie and sweatpants on and walk to me and Draco, Stacey.

"Draco hurt her"

"D-on-t p-lea-se" I stutter trying to breath and I pushed him hand but he only tightened the grip making me red and purple. I stopped breathing finally Draco Let's me go and I drop to the floor and he looked frightened as he got down on his knees and lifted my face and saw the big dark blood red bruises on my neck, printed in to me, a tear fell on my face from his eyes. He shook me softly and repeatedly said,

"Wake up... Please wake up Envy.... Envy...fuck sacks, this is all your fault Stacey" He let go of me and walked to Stacey. (While trying to wake you up Stacey got dressed in her clothes) "I should have never let you in or even talked to you" Draco yelled at her in her face, she flinched and ran out and back to her dorm. Draco picked me up and layed me on his bed and covered me with the sheets, he layed down next to me and could feel me breathing so he knew I needed rest.

Ok but this has over 950 words but looks small

Love you all 💓💗💖💖💓💗💗💓💓

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