part 27 (not another love potion)

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Draco's pov:

5:26 am
I shot up out of bed catching my breath, it was just a dream, I turn my head to see my princess sleeping peacefully in my arms. I lay her body down as I get out of bed and walk to the Slitherin Common Room the dream rushing through my head I hated it. I sat down on the couch and thought of the dream and if I should tell Envy about it, what do I do.

(Dream flashback)

"Baby I'm scared"

"I am to but it will but ok" Draco hugged Envy and left. He could hear everything as he left. Voldemort walked in and grabbed Envy's face digging holes in it and she scream. The ear wrenching scream made Draco cry and run back you Envy, he ran in and a man grabbed his arms so he couldn't get closer to Envy.
"Came to see your girlfriend die Draco, be my guest" Voldemort said and put a pain spell on Envy, as Envy yelled and screamed Draco started to cry and try to get out of the man's grip saying "NO, STOP IT, STOP IT, YOUR HURTING HER. ENVY HOLD ON BABY, I LOVE YOU. LET ME GO" and fell to the floor yelling and crying, water poured out of his grey eyes and wouldn't stop, after he heard Envy stop screaming and he looked up as the man let go of his arms and walked out with Voldemort. He ran to Envy and she wasn't breathing anymore "no, no, my baby, please don't go, no I need you, Envy I want you in my life" he said touching her face with tears rolling down he's face" I love you, Envy I will never stop loving you" he said and hugged her so tight he cried just thinking of her and how happy he was with her.

(End of flashback, still Draco's pov)

I get a fright when to soft hands cover my eyes and I hear a sweet voice say "guess who" I knew it was Stacey and that wasn't good, "go away Stacey" I say pissed off and she came and sat next to me and put her hand on my lap. "What's wrong Dray you know you can tell me" I don't know why but I told her "I had a dream that Envy died and I just wanted to be alone" and just after I said that her hand went higher up to my dick I was to uncomfortable to move, I froze, she slid her leg over me and her hands on my chest and around my neck and strated to grind on me, I didn't like it but I was frozen I couldn't move I just stayed there, she can closer to my face and whispers "you know what can help you, a little fun with me" she kissed me and put her tongue down my throat and I hated it but I don't know why I I let her keep doing it, she put her hands on my top and unbuttoned it as we kissed, the kissing turned in to a make out and she took her top off and her pants as well as mine, she put her pussy on my lap and my dick went inside her and it felt good, she was going up and down and moaning loud but not to loud so people can hear us fucking, I flipped us on the couch so she was under me and I thrusted in to her as she moaned, I grabbed the couch side and I kept thrusting, this went for 20 minutes and the sun was shining bright so we put our clothes back on and started to kiss again in the position we started this mess.

we started to make out and I didn't stop until I heard a voice that made me cry inside the voice of Envy ,FUCK "YOU FUCKING PRICK, I WAKE UP WITH NOBODY BECAUSE YOU CANT KEEP YOUR DICK IN YOUR PANTS, YOU FESTY LITTLE CUNT, I HOPE YOU DIE IN HELL AND STACEY WITH YOU, I FUCKING HATE YOU BASTERD" I look up at the balcony over the common room and see Envy looking at me and she looked so pissed it was not funny, she looked like she was going to kill me ,"AND ALL THE THING I DID WITH YOU, AND THE THINGS I DID FOR YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL PEACE OF SHIT, GO FUCK STACEY, I DON'T CARE" she walked down the stairs and our the door and I pushed Stacey of me and she fell on the floor and I ran out to find Envy, I can't loose her again I need her in my life, she filled the hole in my heart no one else could.

I see her near the bathroom and she spotted me and ran in, I rush past people pushing them out of the way as run into the door, shit she locked it, "ENVY PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR, IT CANT END LIKE THIS" I want to hug her " IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO AT ALL" I hear she voice and bash the door telling her to open it, she didn't. I see everybody looking at me as they walk past to get to class, I slide down the door and turn my back to it, I crouch my legs up and rest my arms on them buring my face as I cry, I start to say over and over again pushing my head into my arms "I need you, I need you, I need you" I stop crying and sat there thinking how much I fucked up about my life I wanted with Envy. I lift my head and see Blaise and Pansy standing there looking at me.

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