part 24 (the couple)

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You wake up and kiss Draco and he kisses you, he moved his hand up and down your thigh, you keep kissing and then Draco gets on top of you and starts to grind on you, your tongues were in each other's mouths and you hear the door open and you see Pansy and Blaise, Draco didn't care and kept grinding and kissing you, you role your body up and stop kissing Draco but he kissed you again and use strated to kiss again knowing that Pansy and Blaise were speachless, Draco and you both pull away and Draco gets off of you and Pansy runs in and drags you to her room.

Draco's pov:

"DUDE YOU AND ENVY ARE SO CUTE" Blaise yelled, "she's different, like she's a drug and I can't ever get enough it's insane, I don't know what it do, what is happening to me, I want her all the time and when I do have her I don't want it to end" I said to Blaise, I don't know why this is happening to me. I want her, I need her. "Draco it's called love and you love Envy, I told you man, the day she smelt your cologne I knew that you were the perfect couple and so did Pansy. Now go get her before she leaves your life and gets another man" I was listening to every single word that came out of Blaises mouth and I run out the door and burst through Pansy and Blaises dorm and walked to Envy lifted her up and kissed her passionately and I loved it.

Your pov:

Draco gets off of me and Pansy runs in and drags me to her room. "OMG you love Draco" hearing the work love it music to my ears. "Ok but his kisses leave me out of breath and he is the sneakist in all ways possible and he drives you crazy, I think I love him" as I said that the door burst opens new Draco walked in and lifted me up and kissed me passionately, god it was good, he broke the kiss and looked at me and the 8 words that came out of his mouth was all I needed to hear.
"Envy Willow Riddle will you be my girlfriend" his words made me get butterflies.
"Yes, yes I will Draco" I lean in and kiss him and his hands tightening around my waist was sexy and I love it. We break the kiss and see Blaise cheering and Pansy. We all walk to the great Hall and I sit down next to Draco.

End of pov.

You feel Draco kiss your temple and puts his hand around you and says "you know I never knew how lucky I was to have you" you get butterflies and kiss him and he kisses you back. pansy throws a apple at you and it hurt "now you know how it feels" you rub your head and start to eat a pancake and Draco did to but he seamed weird. "You ok Dray" "huh, yeah I'm fine" and he starts to eat again. You go to class and have a great time, people could tell that you and Draco were together and you hated when Stacey whispered in your ear as she walked past "he's mine Envy, you will regret that" and all day you were worried about you and Draco but you didn't show it. The day ended and you hoped in bed with Draco and cuddle him under the sheets. "Goodnight bub" Draco said while kissing your neck and layed down, "goodnight babe" you kiss his lips and lay down and fall asleep.

Love this part but I love the next part better.

Love you all💖❤️💗💖❤️💓💗💓❤️

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