Pat 23 (the date)

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You wake up latched on to draco's chest, you slowly try to get up but Draco pulls you back down so you lay there for 10 more minutes and then you say

"Draco, we have to get up, we're going to be late for class and breakfast"

"If your hungry you could have just asked me to feed you" Draco said with a smirk as you both get up naked. You get dressed and you look like a model

"No change it now Envy" Draco said in anger"What, No I like it, I look hot don't you think" you say walking to draco and he rests his hands on you hips

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"No change it now Envy" Draco said in anger
"What, No I like it, I look hot don't you think" you say walking to draco and he rests his hands on you hips. "A bit to hot, you look sexy as fuck, Envy don't let boys take advantage of you, your mine" and after he said that he kissed you and use walk to the great Hall and see Pansy and Blaise making out and Pansy was on top of Blaise. "You know we could do that Envy" "in your dreams Draco"you sit down and throw an apple at Pansy, "bitch get off him and talk" "talk about how you both like each other but don't want to be boyfriend and girlfriend, yeah use suck ass" pansy spat out and got off of Blaise, "you look hot by the way Envy, just a complement, but I'm surprised that draco let you wear that" Blaise said and Pansy slapped his shoulder.

"I told her to change but she didn't, I can see all the boys eyeing her off" Draco spoke it anger, "is Draco jealous" Blaise said "you wish" Draco says.

Skip to the date and you are wearing a white cropped top and a purple and white striped skirt.

Skip to the date and you are wearing a white cropped top and a purple and white striped skirt

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Draco wears a casual black jumper and grey pants.

Draco drives you to a big expensive and fancy restaurant, when you get in you all your food and the total amount of money he spent was $236 dollars

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Draco drives you to a big expensive and fancy restaurant, when you get in you all your food and the total amount of money he spent was $236 dollars. You get seated at yours table, and Strat to talk, you talk about how it would be if you guys did date but he both said that it probably would never happen. After a long time you check a clock and see that it is 12 minutes past your curfew, you tell Draco and you both rush to Hogwarts, you get in and go to your dorm.

"Envy" Draco said and you turned around to face him and he unexpectantly kisses you and you kiss him back he starts to walk forwards as you walk backwards and get to his bed, you can feel his green silky sheets on your back, he starts to kiss you more roughly and is pushing you into the bed, use make out for about 20 minutes and then you flip Draco over so you're on top, you start to you undo his pants and he looks at you to say are you sure you want to do this, you give him a look to say yes and he pulled down his boxers and see a big 9 inch dick spring out and you get right to it and start to suck.

"Moan... God Envy your so good..moan.. FUCKKKK" he said and you go faster and take in more, all the 9 inches was in your mouth and you didn't gag bit went faster and faster. Draco started to grip the sheets and moan and groan all over the place.
"Fuck Envy I'm going to cum...moan.." and he cums in your mouth and you gulp it down and put on your pyjamas as did Draco. You walk over to Draco and cuddle him under the sheet and said in a sleepy voice "you know what Draco, I like being friends with benefits, it's fun. Goodnight Draco" "Goodnight Love" and you sleep with a big smile on your face.

I loved this one it is so good

Love you all❤️💗💓💓❤️💖💗💓💓❤️💗💓❤️💗💖💓💓💖

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