part 14 (Veela)

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You wonder why Draco looked weird so you go to the Slitherin Common Room to find him. You walk is and get slammed to the floor. You eye went blurry you couldn't think or hear yourself you started to cry as you heard somebody say

"Your a Riddle and A Veela, what next you can speak Parseltongue"

You could actually but you didn't have enough breath to talk, you stood up, catching up with your breath.

"I can"


"I can speak Parseltongue" you say to the boy, you know him from quidditch

"And I'm not a Veela" you added

"Draco saw your eyes turn Veela, so you are"

You brush past the boy and go to Draco.

"So I'm a Veela now, seriously" you walk up to him as you say it

"Your eyes tell me different" he walks to you and grabs your waist "I think a Veela is hot" you could feel his hands tightening around your waist and you see about 100 boys looking at you and Draco, he pulls you in for a kiss as all the boys keep looking, you dicided to play with the guy and you kissed Draco hard and passionately, he puts 1 of his hand on your ass and squeezes it, you back up and Draco takes you to your dorm and you hear all the boys cheering for Draco all you could hear was.

"DRACO,DRACO,DRACO,DRACO" over and over again, you both get into the room still kissing and then you cut it off and slap him

"Don't you ever call me a Veela and try to take advantage of me again" after you say that you kiss him again and he pushes you on the bed and gets on top of you, hovering over you, you had direct eye contact.

Hey People the next part is spicy so please skip if you don't like spicy content thanks

Love you all lots💗💗💗❤️❤️💖❤️💗💓💓💗❤️❤️💖💗💓💗❤️❤️💖❤️💗❤️❤️❤️💗

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