part 19 (Stacey bitch)

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New wake up to find yourself in your own bed and Draco is not around. You decide to sleep in a bit but then later you wake up and get dressed

You walk out of your dorm and to The great Hall you walk in and see pansy talking to that girl Stacey, you decide to be nice and you go to say hi to her

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You walk out of your dorm and to The great Hall you walk in and see pansy talking to that girl Stacey, you decide to be nice and you go to say hi to her.

"Hi you're Stacey right"

"Yeah I am and you are?"

"Envy Riddle daughter of Tom Riddle also known as you know who. Anyways pansy do you know where Draco is i need something of mine back"

"Yeah Draco is coming now"

You turned around and see Draco he goes and sits next to Stacy and she said

"Hey baby"

"Baby!" You say out loud

"Yeah Draco is my boyfriend, he asked me out in the morning" your face expression changed immediately. You sat down and started to pick the skin off of your finger, you had long nail and you started to cut your wrists. After pansy and Draco finished talking about how great Stacy is pansy saw blood drip off of your hand When you started to move your pancakes not wanting to eat ever again.

"Envy is that blood on your hand" she moved closer to you and grabbed your arm and looked at your wrists and gasped "Envy what are you doing to yourself"

"Not like I haven't bled before" you say looking to into Draco's eyes before getting up and walking out leaving a trail of blood.

When you got to the bathroom you looked in the mirror a started to punch in repeatedly screaming out crying. Then the glass shattered everywhere, you had cuts and bruises on your hands as you walked back through the great Hall and didn't look at anyone but everyone looked at you as blood was gushing out your hands all over the floor. Pansy looked worried about you and walked to you and tried to talk but you said,

"PANSY FUCK OFF I DON'T CARE" Draco knew what happened and chased after you as you walked out of the great Hall and everybody started eating again.



"Riddle in trying to protect you"

"I don't need you to protect me I'm fine on my own" you say turning around and facing Draco. He walked up to you and held your hands and walked to your dorm to clean them. As you were cleaning the blood and glass on your hands Draco said

"I need to go find Stacey, before thing get out of hand"

"You can't run away from me Malfoy, I'm your roommate." But he still left you there and decided to read a book. Halfway through reading your book the door flies open and you'll see Draco and Stacey making out as Draco makes his way to his bed with Stacey. You get up and walk out with teary eyes. And you sleep in Pansy and Blaises dorm for the night.

I don't know what to say.

Love you all💗💖💖❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗💖💖💗❤️💗💖💗💖❤️💖

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