part 15 (Daddy Malfoy)

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"Don't you ever call me a Veela and try to take advantage of me again" after you say that you kiss him again and he pushes you on the bed and gets on top of you, hovering over you, you had direct eye contact.

He started to take your jeans off and he sees your underwear and smirked, he moved your underwear and he puts his finger inside your pussy and you moan, he kisses you as he pumps his finger faster and you moan in his mouth, he pulled out and puts two finger inside your body and pumps faster and faster, deeper and deeper making your moaning fill the room and his mouth, he stops, trailing His fingers to your mouth.

"Taste yourself Riddle"

And you do that you start to suck his fingers clean and you did taste pretty good. He started to take your top off and gave you love bites all over your body and you moaned when he hit you sweet spot.

"Are you still on your pills"

"How do you kn- nevermind yes I am"


He started to unbuckle his pants and pulled them down and I saw his dick it looked bigger then last time, OH NO, without any warning he pounds into you, making you scream, literally scream. He started to go in and out of you as you become a moaning mess. The room was filled with your moaning and cursing words.

"FUCK MALFOY, UGH GOD THATS GOOD, UHH DRACO, FUCKKKK" you yell out, he goes faster and harder.

"Say my name" he says going faster and deeper

You lost your words and arch your back. He didn't like that he got rough and was making you cry silently

"MALFOY" you yell

"No what is my name Envy" he goes harshly you couldn't stop crying and now it was not that quiet.

"DRACO" you say between crying and moaning.

"ENVY RIDDLE SAY MY NAME NOW SCREAM IT OUT, SAY IT" he looks mad and he was pounding in to you so much that you strated bleeding out of your pussy and you where crying and you yell out loud


"CUM FOR MY RIDDLE" and just like that you cum inside yourself and Draco does to it felt good and he started to slow down and he looked at the bed and at your pussy and sees the blood and how much your legs were shaking like all fuck, he pulled out and put his hands on his head as he said is a soft voice

"Shit Riddle what did I do to you, I'm so sorry I don't know what got over me, I just wanted to fuck you"

"Draco it hurts really bad can you get me to the shower and can you shower with me" you say not crying anymore.

After the shower you wobble to your wardrobe and get

You ask Draco to put it on do for you and he does you go the his bed and lay down on his chest and cuddle him

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You ask Draco to put it on do for you and he does you go the his bed and lay down on his chest and cuddle him

Your thoughts:

Do I like Draco

No I don't

Wait why am I cuddling with him then


Do I like him

No I don't we are get enemies with benefits

Yeah enemies but with benefits

"Goodnight Malfoy"

"Goodnight Riddle"

And just like that you both feel asleep

Hope you liked it I don't know if it is good or not but tell me please

Love you all💗💗❤️💖💓💓❤️💗💖💖💓💗❤️💖❤️💖💖💓💖💗💗💖💖❤️💗💖💖

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