Part 34 (little less eating)

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eating disorder in this one⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

your pov:

a cold body touching my brittle skin, the cold got warmer and I felt hurt but happy about it, like I wanted to be hurt, , like I knew that I would get hurt and from the one and only Draco Malfoy. I felt uncomfortable in bed with him, even if he was helping me, I slowly sat up trying to not wake him but I did, I felt my throat and felt bumps, my eyes filled with tears and I got out of bed and ran to my wand and picked it up and rushed to the bathroom and put a spell on my to stop the pain, I sat in the bathroom shedding a few drops of water from my eyes.

Draco's pov:

I wanted to say sorry but she ran to her bedside table and got her wand, but a couple, about 7 polaroid pictures fell as she ran to the bathroom, I got out of bed and walked to the polaroid's and picked them up and stared at what was on them. HOLY SHIT, IT ENVYS NUDES, half her face to her waist, fuck it didn't cross my mind how hot she was, her body was, I guess I didn't care about what her body looked like, her tits were perfect. I heard the bathroom door handle turn and I ran to my bed and hid the pictures under my pillow. she walked out and screamed at me making me jump a bit.

"I HATE YOU, YOU MAKE MY LIFE SO FUCKING HARD" my heart shattered and I didn't know why I didn't love anyone ever. "you know what fuck you" she spoke calm and sat down near the note and said a spell and it came out of the wall and she said "incendio" the note golfed up in flames and she was holding it as the fire touched her hand she put it on the floor and the note turned to ash, a tear fell from my face to the sheets and i got up and yelled "she fucked the guy in the toilet stool first"

"I was drugged, you knew that"

"yeah I got drugged to but I felt it in my drink"

mine must have devolved you prick" she was silently crying

"well I guess we both don't love each other the way we did before"

"that's the thing I never loved you" my heart fell deep, deeper then it would ever again. she gasped and covered her mouth, tears fell down, I got mad and spat out

"you really thought I loved you, I hate you more than you hate me" she changed in a split second and pounded on my chest leaving mark, screaming out, pushing me back every hit. I was sick of it and caught the next thrash, she looked at me yelled while squirming around "LET GO OF ME" I didn't want to let her go, I didn't want to loose her again, I want her to be with me but I knew she didn't want to be with me.

"I SAID LET GO" she pulled her hand out from mine and ran out, I fell to the floor and felt numb, I don't want to loose her.

your pov:

its been three weeks, since me and Draco had the brake up argument and I didn't feel myself since that day, didn't feel happy, didn't feel mad, didn't feel anything but numb.

until I was walking down the hall with Hermione and ran then saw a wall with my nudes from my nightstand, WHAT THE FUCK, I ran to the wall and turned around, all the boys where looked at me and smirking at me, taking the pictures and leaving, i got pissed and ran to me and Draco's dorm and kicked the door down, Draco jumped out of bed and looked at me confused, I stormed to him and slapped him.

"YOU TOOK MY NUDES AND PUT THEM UP, DIDNT YOU" I yelled and he replied

"No there under my pill-" he put his hand under his pillow as he said that and looked worried, he throw his pillow and the polaroid's where gone

"you took them" I shouted

"they fell and I thought I could see them and then put them back" he replied

"why would you take them?"

"why did you have them in the first place?"

"my friends did photography and they used me for it" he paused for a few seconds and said


"she put them up" I asked him

"I think so" he spoke and I ran to Stacey's class and kicked the door down and she stood up as i came closer and put the Cruiatus Curse on her

"CRUCIO" I yelled and heard her scream, this felt good, Draco ran in and stopped me.

"look its her nudes" someone whispered and I got mad, I put a spell on the paper and they all went up in flames, no more nudes.

I rushed to my dorm and was so close to locking the door but Draco opened it and ran in and shut it

"I'm going to Azkaban, aren't I " I said still anger but sad

"No, they cant take you, Dumbledore wont let them, your fine" I got happy but didn't show it

(flashback to two weeks ago, Draco's pov:)

I was sitting in my bed and got up to have a shower when Stacey came in and kissed me. pushed me on the bed and tried to make out with me but I stopped her and said

"leave I'm going to have a shower" I go to the bathroom and started the shower, locking the door, got undressed and got in.

Stacey's pov:

I laid on Draco's bed and saw a photo under his pillow, I lifted it and saw 6 more, Envy's nudes, I know what ill do. I took them and left, I copied them 1000 times each and put them away and waited.

its been and week and I put half of them out, making sure that Draco and Envy don't see them, a few days later I put the rest of them up on a wall and walked to class.

(end of flashback your pov:)

its been 3 days and I haven't eaten anything, i put a spell on the door to keep it locked, all I did was cry, and cry, and cry some more, Draco always came to the door and put food there and said for me to eat it, I never did.

 I didn't let Draco in because I knew he would try to feed me, I was skin and bones, Pansy took spells class and found out how to open the door and she did, she saw me with big black eyes and pale, she ran to me in tears and hugged me and quivered out of her mouth

"E never scare me again, I was so worried, and Blaise, Draco too" I hugged her back and got up with her, put some make up on and walked to the Great Hall. As we walked in I think everyone forgot about the nudes because nobody looked and if they did they smiled. we sat down near Draco, he didn't see me, Blaise was talking to him and I could see he wasn't paying attention. Blaise looked up and saw me and Pansy

"hey babe" Blaise got up and walked around and hugged Pansy, Draco's head shot up and his eyes met mine, he jumped on the table and to the other side and hugged me tight, I felt water droplets on my top, Draco was crying. I hugged him back and I felt happy for once, pansy broke the hug and put a big plate of food in front of me and said "eat it all, you need to" I didn't want to make her mad so started to eat.

the food in my mouth, I missed the taste, the smell. I missed everything ____________________________________

sorry for this one but I hope you like it 

love you all 💓💖💖💗💓💗💓💗💖💓💗💖💖💓💗💗

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