part 3 (The Classic Malfoy)

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After a while of sitting and talking to Blaise, a golden brown hair and green eyed girl appear next to Blaise, she looked at me and snarled as if she didn't like me close to Blaise at all

"Parkinson, pansy Parkinson" she spoke in a tone like she didn't care about me. So I replied

"Envy Riddle" her eyes widened as I said my last name before she could say anything Blaise interrupted

" Isn't it cool and the fact the she's been her for 5 year" Blaise seemed like he just couldn't stop thinking about me being a Riddle.

Pansy and Blaise were talking about things they did last year and what they might do this year so I decided to listen to everybody's name that was being called by Hagrid after about 20 ish people I heard and name that intrigued me to find out who it was. What was the name you might ask it was.

"Draco Malfoy" Hagrid said a bit louder then the others

"It's him, the boy saw while getting on the train, his platinum blonde hair and Grey sparkly eyes" I say dozing off and just talking to myself

Blaise then Said " Draco is a soul not to be messed with, so don't get to deep in him because he is a man with hundreds of girl, hey even pansy is in with him but all he does is fuck you and make you leave then he might repeat it even" pansy was listening in as well

"Who the hell is this slut"

We all turn our heads to see Draco staring at you

"What the fuck is your problem asshole" I say getting up out of my seat and walking up to Draco, our faces almost touching.

Draco then grasped on the my hand and walked out of the hall the his dorm.

"HEY,what do you think your doing" I struggle to get my hand out of his but he grips even more

We get to his dorm and his throws you in and you hit the floor, he lock is the door and walks up to you and gets you hand above your head and starts to choke you slightly just enough to make you gasp for air

"Your Envy Riddle aren't you" he says as he gets on top of you

You can feel his clothed dick rub against you pussy as you say

"Y-yes"his gets closer to your face with a smirk

"Your my pathetic slut roommate" his lips are millimetres away from yours

"Bye love" he say and walks out leaving you there in the dorm by yourself. You get up and walk out the to hall and see Draco and Blaise talking, you walk closer as Draco look at you with another smirk, but you wonder why Blaise and pansy are looking with where eyes wide

"WHAT" I say as I sit down with Pansy , Blaise and Draco

"WHAT" I say as I sit down with Pansy , Blaise and Draco

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"DRACO, Stop seducing Envy. Oh and you got a big bruise on your neck" Blaise said as he started eating, as did pansy, you and Draco, but he kept looking at you bit be bit.

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