part 5 ( I hate him)

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Your pov:

SHIT his dick was 9 inches. I know what is going to happen

"SUCK" he said and I decided to tease.

I grabbed his dick and strated to tape in on my tongue as he groans. I can feel his hand in my hair grabbing it and he shoves my head into in dick, I was gaging as he moaned and groaned lucky I wasn't taking the hole think but I think I can so I gave it a shot and swallowed it in hole and God did he moan. My head was boning up and down gaging but I know that Draco liked it.

"Envy, I can feel it coming" he said and not even a second later I feel it fill my mouth.

"Swallow it love" his voice got deeper so I did just that, I swallowed it and suprisingly it tasted good. He griped my chin lifting it to eye contact.

"So are you going to see those boys now" he looks into my eyes hard. But I'm not afraid of him.

"Yes I will and you can stop me" I stand up and walk to the door when I feel cold arms rap around my waist and pull me back. Draco must have taken things out of his wardrobe while I was walking to the door because he threw me on my bed and cuffed me to it. My legs and arms couldn't move as I saw Draco walk to the door and walk out and say.

"Time to tell them that your never seeing them again"his voice trailed out the door. Me just stuck on my bed. I HATE HIM
20 mins later Still your pov.

I heard a knock on the door as it opens and i see Cedric Diggory. Before i could say anything he runs and puts his indented hand on my mouth.

"Your going to be a good girl with no screaming ok" shit I think I know what is going to happen. I try to move but FUCK why did Draco do this to me put me in cuffs.

Sorry if it is short but the next part is rape so if you are not comfortable reading it please skip it I know that you might not like the next part but I hope you like my story so Far

Love you all💓💓

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