part 4 (In The Shower)

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We finished eating and went back to our dorms. I found out that Blaise and pansy where near my dorm.

Draco's side

Draco's side

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Your side

As you lay on the bed reading a book you hear the door open and before you saw who it was you throw a dagger at the door the person moved in to the room very fast but they tripped and fell on the bed

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As you lay on the bed reading a book you hear the door open and before you saw who it was you throw a dagger at the door the person moved in to the room very fast but they tripped and fell on the bed. ON YOU. Out of all people it had to be Malfoy.( The dagger is in the first picture)

"Hello love" he says as he lifted his head from you boobs started to move. You thought that he was going to get off of you. 

but no instead he moved so your legs were in between his and you couldn't move your legs at all you layed there still and not knowing what to do. You feel his hand snaking up your waist and he puts your hand and arms over your head in seconds, yet you still layed there stiff. His lips were an inch away from yours and his dick was rubbing your pussy. You let out a slight moan and he hears it.

"Do you want me Envy" he says in a deeper voice

You quickly snap out of it and move away "umm no" you say as he gets off you. You rip your dagger out of the wall and put it on your nightstand then you walk to the bathroom and start to have a shower. You had music on so you can hear anything.while having a shower Draco comes to the door and opened it but he thought you locked it. He saw you washing your hair with your eyes closed. He couldn't stop looking at your perfect hourglass body he put his hand down his sweatpants and boxers and started the jerk off to your body.

"Ugh.fuck...Envy, Uhhhh" he quickly ran out the door shutting it as you turned around thinking you heard something.

Draco pov:

"Ugh..fuck...Envy, Uhhhh"

I ran out the door and shutting it, I lay on my bed still jerking off to Envy. Fuck this felt good "Uhhhh,fuck me...Uhhhh,Envy" what am I doing she should be sucking it on you jerking off. I heard the shower turn off and I stop jerking myself but I still wanted to really bad. I saw a hot body walk out to the bedroom and turn to me "don't look ok" her sweet voice made me more horny " ok love" I say to Envy with a huge smirk. She started to get dressed and I snuck a peek even 10 second or so she didn't know because I was reading a book bride and prejudice and her back was away from my face. After she finished I looked and saw someone else

 After she finished I looked and saw someone else

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(That is what your wearing)


Shit I think she saw you looking. I don't care she's probably wanting me right now.

"Where do you think your going slut" I say seeing her walk to the door

"To see some of my friends that you don't like called Harry and Ron"

WHAT NO SHE IS NOT ASSOCIATING WITH THEM. But fuck I think I can jerk off when she leaves

"Come over here slut" I say because maybe she will help me get rid of my boner. She walks up to me and look in my eyes.

"Knees NOW" I say as I put a slight charm on our room.she looked scared as she got on her knees because she knows that no slitherin like Harry and Ron. I pull down my pants and boxers.

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