part 8 (it's not working)

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It's been 1 month and after going to bed that night you haven't seen Draco at all. You and Blaise were heart for a week but then you both strated to distance each other. Everybody has been saying that Draco has fucked every girl in slitherin but you know it's not true because you haven't. You never see him at night and you even stay up all night to see him but he is never there. You had an assignment to do in potions, where you had to write down all the things you love in life and there will be a smell coming out of the book and that is who your soulmate is, but you never did it because you don't believe in a soulmate you never have any never will. Blaise did it and he smelt strawberry and blueberry, you didn't want to tell him that it wasn't you. In defence of the Dark arts you had to do the thing you feared most in life and make it silly. It was your turn and you thought of your father everybody quickly run out of the room and the teacher stopped it.

Right now you are in potions you were writing and all the sudden you heard the doors fly open. DRACO, but he looked different. He walked in and sat at the back with you, as the teacher said,

"Alright everybody open your books and tell me what you smell starting with, Envy" he yelled and you open your book and take a big wiff.

"Green apple, Cinnamon and a bit of Quidditch, Sir." As you said that everybody gasped and started whispering and you saw a sad face on Blaise and wide eyes on Pansy and Draco.

"OH MY GOD YOU CAN SMELL DRACO MALFOY" a girl screamed out.

"What I can smell Draco" I ask yourself as the class was dismissed

A week later your wearing this:

Blaise broke up with you because you saw him kiss some new girl Stacey, you still haven't talked to Draco, but you have a test in defence of the Dark arts so you decided to go to the library

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Blaise broke up with you because you saw him kiss some new girl Stacey, you still haven't talked to Draco, but you have a test in defence of the Dark arts so you decided to go to the library.

Your pov:

I went to the restricted area because I knew that no one would be there and I could finally have some peace while working. I saw a book on the top and it was the exact one that I needed, I tried to reach it but couldn't, I got on my tip toes to reach it but I felt someone caring over me reaching for the book as well I gasped as I could feel his dick inside my ass. And of course it had to be the one in only Draco Malfoy.

"Do you need this book" he asked standing behind me with his arms around my waist. I nodded "then you need to beg" he added.

"Please Draco I need it" I said turning around facing him. " More" he said to me and I started to strip of him. One by one, my top my skirt with my shoes.

The next part is spicy so please skip it if you don't like it thanks.

Love you all💗💓💗💓

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