Part 35 (are you over Draco?)

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your pov:

right now we are in class and I'm not anywhere near Draco, I'm still mad at him so I'm sitting with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Harry was next to me and put his hand on my thigh and rubbed up and down, I was fine with it because I was single and I didn't care that much, it got un comfortable when he got higher and was inches away from my pussy. I moved over as did Harry, I pushed his hand away from me but he put it back.

"Harry stop" I said quiet but stern, yet he still had his hand on me, he got closer and started to life my skirt as he whispered in my ear "be quiet Envy" and put two fingers in me and I gasped but not to loud, he got faster so I moved so he could get in more and he did just that, this was going on for 30 minutes, I pulled out his finger and ran to the bathroom, I really needed to cum, like really badly, I got to the toilet and all I could think of was Harry, but I didn't cum, I sat there still and put two fingers in me and pumped, WAIT am I really going to do this, I got faster cuming all over my hand, it felt really good, after 3 minutes I stopped and cleaned myself and walked back to class.

I walked in and Snape asked "where were you Miss Riddle"

"sorry I had to see my sister to give her a note my mother gave me to give to her" he nodded and I sat down next to Harry and he was smirking, pushed him a bit and looked over to Draco, he looked really pissed, I think he didn't like me with Harry, I want him to be so mad at me, I don't care what he does. I pulled harry close and kissed him, he was shocked but kissed me back, as his tongue was searching my mouth Snape hit my head with a book and we got back to working, right after the kiss Draco stormed out of class and looked furious, Snape looked at me and said

"Envy go get him"

"what why me?"

"because you share a dorm, now GO" I ran out of the class before Snape killed me, I ran to the boys toilet and looked in, nope not there, I ran to our dorm and opened the door to see Draco jerking off to me, saying

"fuck Envy"

"omg...Envy riddle"


I shut the door and knocked, I heard Draco run to the bathroom and the water turned on, i walked in.


"GO AWAY" his voice changed to mad

"Draco please" he came out and slammed me to the bed and kissed me, I kissed back and he travelled down my neck and hit my sweet spot and I moaned. as he was kissing my neck he said "don't you ever kiss Harry again"

"we aren't together you cant tell me what to do" I pushed him off of me and sat up, he got back on me and kissed me again, and once again I pushed him off of but I leave, he follows after me and we get to our next class, I sit at the back as did Draco, I didn't look at him at all, he didn't look at me either, we got our books, but he took mine and said "do you want it Envy" I looked at him and told him to give it back and he whispered "meet me in the abandoned toilets after lunch" I snatched my book and said ok.

we finished the lesson and I didn't even realise that Draco had his hand on my thigh an inch away from my pussy, rubbing up and down the whole time in class, that's why those girls where laughing at us, he moved his hand to my pussy and touched it as I got up and left to go to the great hall for lunch.

I sat down next to Pansy and got an apple and ate it while talking to her.

"So are you over Draco?" I didn't know what to say, I want him to be with me but I hate that he's salutation to our problems is Stacey.

"Yeah I'm never getting with Draco again" I was confided when I said it until Pansy looked past me with her eyes widened. I look behind me and saw Draco tearing up, shit.

"Draco I-" before I could finish he turned back and walked to way he came. I got up and ran after him, but as soon as I got out the door he was gone, I ran to our dorm and pushed my way in, he wasn't there either, but then I remembered that he told me to meet him in the abandoned toilet. I rushed to the bathroom, pushing anyone in my way, I got there and tripped running in and fell on a boy, Draco, he pushed me to the floor and got up, he stepped no my stomach and I coughed as I could feel my bones getting crushed. He stopped and started to walk out, I grabbed his leg and didn't let go, I started to cry silently. He shook his leg and my hand droped of, I couldn't breathe good, he was powerful and it felt like he snapped my ribs, I laid there in pain, I was miserable.

About 4 hour later I woke up, I looked at me stomach and saw blood marks all over me. I reached for my wand and fix my ribs, I screamed in pain as my bones where getting put back in to place in my body, I think Ron heard my ghosting scream because he ran in and saw me getting me.

"Bloody hell Envy are you ok, how long have you been here, what happened?" He had so many questions, I was to tired to answer, I hugged him and said "don't worry I'll tell you tomorrow" we started to walk to my dorm and he kissed my check and whispers"goodnight Envy, hope you feel better soon" and walked back to the Griffandor rooms, I walked in and it was so dark I couldn't see anything, I lay down in bed and fell asleep.

The sun shone through the window and a body appeared, holding my ass, I was on top of them, hugging there body, I looked up and saw grey eyes staring into mine "did you sleep well Envy" I know I we on Draco and I jumped up and fell off the bed bringing Draco down with me, he fell on me and he tried to move, he put his hands under the blanket and tried to find the end of the sheets, he moved his hand up and it slid inbetween my legs and touched my pussy, I gasped and tried to get out, I eventually found a was out of the sheets and got up as did Draco "it was to dark to see last night" I said walking to the bathroom and Draco followed me.

I turned around and kissed him, his eyes where closed so I walked into the shower and turned it on and ran out, but before I could get out of the room Draco pulled me back in the shower, it was freezing, he ran out of the room and I ran after him, down the corridor and to the great Hall "DRACO FUCKING MALFOY" I yelled running through the hall with a cropped top and short shorts, he turned around and I ran into him, I fell on him and our lips collided with each other's, I quickly got up off of him and looked at him worried, he put a hand on the back of my head and my back and pulled me back down into a kiss, a long passionate kiss, I didn't want it to end, everybody was looking at us, most of them cheering. We got up and ran back to our dorm, this time I did have a shower, and Draco was reading, we had quidditch soon so we needed to get ready.

Hope you like this one

Love you all 💖💗💓💗💗💓💗💗

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