part 38 (Serkan)

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Your pov:

Months past and me and Draco are in a good relationship now, Pansy has never seen Draco this happy and greatful in his life and that makes me happy too, but I think the only reason is because we fuck Evey two days and I let Draco, a couple of times I said no and Draco respected that but some he made me get fucked, I wasn't sad about it because it doesn't really happen that often and I give in after 10 minutes or so. I think that Draco is still getting close with Stacey because I wake up sometime with him on with me, when he comes back he makes the worse excuse like, 'I was at Hagrid's' he never even liked him or 'Pansy showed me a dress she had' he doesn't like looking at Pansy, not in a mean way and then my favourite one of all time 'I was talking to Harry and Ron' he knew I wasn't dumb but he actually thought that I think he was doing all those things.

I woke up today Draco not in the bed, I was so mad now, I waited until he was back and he can in and saw me, he tried to hug me but I push him away and say "Draco where the fuck are you going, are you going to see Stacey, or you don't like sleeping with me, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I raised my voice in the last sentence. He's smile changed instantly and he sat down and help my hand but I pulled away "ok, ok I've been seeing Blaise for advice on girls, I don't know how to act around you besides mean or horny so I asked him, what is why I'm not with you sometimes, and I understand why you think I was with Stacey, but I would never hurt you like that" after him saying that I felt so stupid, why didn't I just ask him nicely, I pulled his to a kiss, a long and happy, passionate, sweet, joyful, Draco Malfoy kiss.

 He's smile changed instantly and he sat down and help my hand but I pulled away "ok, ok I've been seeing Blaise for advice on girls, I don't know how to act around you besides mean or horny so I asked him, what is why I'm not with you sometimes, ...

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We got dressed and we went to the common room, Pansy and Blaise were talking about how we are all going to the yula ball and me and Draco just listened to the conversation. Tomorrow was Saturday so me and Pansy wanted to go shopping for our dresses and shoe. Draco and Blaise walked off talking about getting drunk and fuck Pansy and I, we both laugh and walked to class, as we walked in I noticed that Draco wasn't with Blaise and was not in the class, I sat at the back but as I pasted Blaise I asked where Draco was and he said that he needed to get something, I sat down in my seat, books out and writing out what Snape wrote on the board. After class a went to my dorm and saw Draco holding a box, a small one, I walked to him and he handed it over to me, i opened it and Draco said "I think it reminds me of our love"I turned around and Draco put it around my neck "you are the snake and you are wrapped around my heart, the stone"

 After class a went to my dorm and saw Draco holding a box, a small one, I walked to him and he handed it over to me, i opened it and Draco said "I think it reminds me of our love"I turned around and Draco put it around my neck "you are the snake ...

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