part 21 (maybe not enemies)

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You wake up to feel a warm body, you look up and see platinum blonde hair and grey eye boy playing with your hair.

"Good morning Malfoy"

"Good morning Riddle, hey do you know what you were going to say last night"

"What do you mean" you say getting up and realising that you didn't have your dress on anymore "OMG you saw me naked"

"Yeah the dress was killing you and you were drunk like hell, oh and thx for letting me know that Stacey was cheating on me, I'm over her now"

"Can you tell me everything that happened and with details"

"You and pansy came in and you started to kiss Harry, you also was grinding on him"

"Yeah I remember that but not the rest after the drinks"

"Ok, after you had 6 shots you saw Stacey kissing a ravenclaw boy and you came to tell me but instead you tripped over and fell on me because you were drunk, you told me and you showed me too, I didn't know why I did this but I started to make out with you and you didn't mind that actually"

"Wait we made out Infront of Stacey"

"Yeah we did, but then she saw and pushed you to the floor you looked hurt so I helped you and told her I saw her kissing the guy and she just left, we both drank but you dank way to much and I had to carry you here, I heard Pansy and Blaise saying how good we would be as a couple but I didn't say anything, we got here and I changed you into your pyjamas and put you down on my bed as I got dressed and got in with you because I knew that you couldn't sleep alone drunk like that, but than you said Draco, I missed you, I think I and then you fell asleep in my arms, oh and by the way you look cute when you sleep"

"I'm sorry Draco I don't know what I was going to say, I wish I said it before I fell asleep but I don't have a clue what I was saying last night I'm sorry"

"It ok Riddle you don't need to apologize, but we need to get ready for quidditch but your not playing today, max is ok, you can wear my number" he said the last part with a smirk on his handsome face.

"Give me the top and I'll wear it" he hands you the top with his number and you put it on Infront of him because he has already seen you naked.

"Give me the top and I'll wear it" he hands you the top with his number and you put it on Infront of him because he has already seen you naked

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"Shit Riddle you look hot" he says coming closer to you, you turn around and kiss him while holding his neck

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"Shit Riddle you look hot" he says coming closer to you, you turn around and kiss him while holding his neck.

"I bet I do in your number, come on we need to go" you say getting your stuff and leaving holding his hand. When you get to quidditch you kiss Draco on the lips and hug him then you run to Pansy and hug her.

"Hey bitch you and Draco and so cute" you both walk to your seats as you talk

"What no we aren't together Pansy"

"Oh I just thought that because he was all over you last night and it was getting spicy"

"I know he told me, but I think you aren't enemies anymore, I told him I missed him and I was going to say something else but I fell asleep, I think it was that I like him Pansy"

Ahhh you like Draco Lucius Malfoy that is so fucking perfect and your wearing his number, I love it"

"Same" you sit down and you see Draco fly out with the team and you cheer and he looks at you and winks and you start to blush, Pansy notices and starts to shake you.

"So cuteeee"

You watch the game and Slitherin wins, at the end you run out and find Draco, you run into his arms and he picks you up and spins you around and says

"You're my lucky charm Riddle" he puts you Down and you couldn't help yourself, you grab his face and smashed your lips on to his, his hands wrapped around your waist and you have a 20 second kiss, after the kiss you slowly move your head away and you hear cheering and clapping you look to the boys and they looked so happy for you and Draco, you let go of his face and step back, Draco looked away and started to blush

"OHHH DRACO YOU BLUSHING MAN" Blaise yells and Draco looked pissed

"Fuck off Blaise"

You start to laugh and Draco walks to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and said as doing that

"You think it's funny do you"

"I sure as hell do" you say putting your arms on his neck and kissing him again and the boys cheered and you both started to laugh throughout the kiss. You pull away to see Pansy recording you and Draco

"BITCH DELETE IT I LOOK UGLY" you say running to pansy but she starts to run

"SEND IT TO ME PANSY" you hear Draco yell as you and pansy run out of the tent you chasing her, she runs back to the tent out of breath 5 minutes later and Draco says

"You sent it to me while getting chased, impressive"

"YOU SENT IT TO HIM, pansy I told you I looked ugly in it you should have deleted it"

"We can do it again" Draco said walking to you as pansy got on live and everyone in the school was on her live but you didn't know that she did that.

Draco grabs your face and your lips collided with each other as pansy got it on live, the kiss ended and Draco said

"Did you get it on live Pansy" in a normal tone in his voice

"Sure did Draco" pansy said smirking at you and Draco

"Well Riddle now everyone know you kissed me" Draco spoke in a seducing way

"I hate you Malfoy, but I love it too" you grab his hand and kiss him and leave with Pansy.

Draco pov:

"DUDE that was so hot, do you like her" Blaise said

"You know I don't believe in love or soulmates, but I'm starting to think that is true" I said because I think I'm falling for Envy Willow Riddle

"I know that you know something about her that we don't, tell us Draco" Blaise added

"I know she has a middle name, and it is pretty cool to" I say knowing that they want to know "Willow"I added

"Envy Willow Fucking Riddle that's the name that changed you Draco and I like that you are different, your nicer and not trying to kill me or anybody else for that matter"

"I love her name, it's music to my ears" I say daydreaming about Envy Riddle and then I left to find her.



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