part 25 (crying)

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2 weeks later

You wake up alone, which is odd because you and Draco sleep together and wake up together. It didn't bother you that much and you get dressed.

You walk the long way to the great Hall so you can go to the toilet

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You walk the long way to the great Hall so you can go to the toilet. You know that you will but walking past Stacey's dorm soon and you don't care that much, you walk past but hear a name that made you weirded out.
"... moan...Draco...moan..." You walk to the door and slowly turn it and open it and you see Draco fucking Stacey.

Your pov:

WHAT THE FUCK, WHY IS DRACO FUCKING STACEY, "you peace of shit" that is all I said and left for the great Hall, I didn't want to go to the toilet anymore. I walk in and sit with Pansy and Blaise, they looked happy until they saw me. "Where's Draco" Pansy asked in a nice voice "fucking Stacey that whore" I was so mad I wanted to just kill Stacey. "Look here comes Draco" Blaise said and I started to get me things and leave but a hand grabbed mine and of course it was Draco. "Envy look I'm sorry" I rip my hand out of his grasp "you know why I'm not crying because I wasn't in love with you" then I walked out, Why did I say that of course I love him, I just knew the Stacey would fuck everything up.

Draco's pov:

I wake up to Stacey over me and and putting something in my mouth, I didn't want to move to wake up Envy so I sat there and waited for her to leave but she didn't and then that's all I remember.
My memory regained when I heard a big door open I looked down and realise what the fuck why am I fucking Stacey, a love potion that's what she put in my mouth, I saw Envy get out and I knew where she was going so I followed her but first I put my clothes on and slapped Stacey. I ran to the great Hall to find her getting her stuff in walking away I run up to her and grab her arm."Envy look I'm sorry" she pulled her hand away "you know why I'm not crying because I wasn't in love with you" then she walked out, I sat down and started to cry, I just messed everything up, I hate Stacey. "Fuck I messed up, I was love potioned by Stacey and Envy found us fucking, how do I fix it" I got up and walked to class to see Envy there too. I walked up to her but she moved away and next to Weaselbee Ron. I sat at the back and Stacey came over, "get the fuck away from me" but no she sat down and touched my thigh and started to go higher and then she said "if you move I will kill Envy" I didn't move I was as still as possible, she put her hand down my pants and started to move it, jerking me off and it was weird I didn't like it but than she said "touch me or I kill Envy" and I put my hand on her thigh as she stopped doing things to me and I rubbed her thigh but she said more so I got up and left class but then I heard a ear wrenching scream, I run in and saw Envy on the floor and Stacey not there. I rush to envy and pick her up and take her to hospital wing. I hole her hand as she in dead still.

20 minutes later she wakes up, I was so happy, I got up out of the chair but She let's go of my hand and was mad. "Go away Draco" her voice made me tear up, " Envy she used love potion on me, you have to believe me, I- I love you Envy" a tear streamed down my face and Envy wiped it away "are you lieing to me Draco" she said getting up and hugging me "I would never lie to you my love" I hugged her tighter, we hugged for about 10 minutes before Pansy and Blaise came and hugged us too, it was a big group hug and I hated it, I moved out of the hug and kisses Envy. The rest of the day was great and I told her what Stacey did in the classroom but she didn't mind it one bit.
The day went quickly and we went to our dorms. Envy Walked in and I did to, I shut the door and I felt Envy's hand slide down to the door nob and lock it, I turn me head to my shoulder to see a smirk on she face.

OOooOoOoOOooO spicy part next

Love you all💖💓💗💖💓❤️💖💗💗💖❤️💗

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