Shit about y/n

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Y/n L/n, also known as the 'villain' grim (grim is the wanted one not y/n... people don't give a fuck about y/n) is wanted by the police for mass murder and thievery (sooo tame then). At this point the avengers and SHIELD has gotten involved in trying to stop her.

Y/N isn't human but then she's not Asgardian or technically alien either, and she's not technically something considered mythical... she's not from earth, but does that necessarily mean she's alien? I suppose it just depends what you consider human...

She has many powers some darker, some lighter and some more neutral... she personally prefers the dark ones I mean... the light ones are lame right?


-paralysis touch
If she touches somebody she can send them into a state of paralysis, making their body go rigid and stiff (only if she wants them to go into that state)

-instant death
Like paralysis touch, if she touches somebody they'll instantly die, it's normally painless however... soo good if somebody's already dieing ig... (personally I'd rather hear the screams tho.) (this only works if she wants them to die)

-idk what it's called but it's what Skarlet from mortal kombat has... blood manipulation? Blood weapon... thing? IDK MAN!

-necromancy (cos y not?)
Y/n hasn't really tried this power because the last time she did she almost died

-weird shadow tortury thing
Y/n calls it this as she doesn't know how to explain it. She can project a shadow, when it hits someone they will be put in immense pain and suffering for as long as the shadow is up, if used upon somebody a lot of the time they will beg for death, and have it never happen.... they will often end up a bloody pulp if it goes on for too long.


-healing others
She can heal those who are hurt and cure those who are ill. She doesn't normally use this though.

She can create a shield around herself or others.
She normally only uses this on herself.


Good for escaping

-Weapon summoning
She can summon a weapon for a short amount of time, often it'll appear looking like blood or shadows because thas her style.

Yay fun...

She prefers teleportation tbh

-Mind reading
Good for learning secrets~
Her outfit:

this ig (if you don't like it I have others.. also I found dis image on the internet soo :) )

 also I found dis image on the internet soo :) )

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More notes:

-Most of the people y/n has killed were bad people... but do the police and avengers know that? No!

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