Chapter 10: identities

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3rd person POV

As the girl sobbed y/n continued to hold her close trying her hardest to comfort her.

Spider man was sitting on a rooftop looking from the dead body to you trying to comfort the girl, he had seen most of what had happened.

Your POV

"Hey, uhh wanna see a magic trick?" I asked slowly letting the girl go.

She nodded still seeming terrified.

I summoned up some blood and started making shapes with it. The girl watched in awe and I smiled.

Suddenly I heard a sound and I let go of the blood, causing it to drop on the both of us.

Peters POV

I was watching grim carefully, she had started to make shapes with what I think is blood.

I don't understand why the avengers hate her so much.

I mean I used to understand because they made her seem like a murderer but by the looks of it all she did was save a girl from god knows what, left a rose at the body and is now trying to comfort her.

I think she's not really a villain I mean by the looks of it she acts more like a hero who just has less morals.

I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realise I had knocked over a trash can.

"That's how a villain works stupid." I heard a female voice say.

I turned around and saw grim, covered in blood.

*a few seconds ago with y/n*
Y/ns POV

I let go of the blood when I heard the clang.

Blood dropped on top of us. The girl screamed as we became covered in blood. I held her to my chest as blood dripped from my face.

I heard someone's thoughts, something about me not being a villain just a hero with less morals.

Carefully I placed the girl in a hidden spot.

"I'll come back for you." I muttered walking towards the sound.

"That's how a villain works, stupid." I said summoning a scythe and waving it over my head.

I saw none other then spider-man standing on a rooftop staring at me.

"Oh my god it's the child avenger!" I say rolling my eyes and letting my scythe disappear.

"W-what I'm not a child." Spider-Man says awkwardly.

"Dude you go to my school, your names Peter Parker your 15? And an orphan." I say.

"The fuck- I- who are you?" He asks.

"Grim at your service, an individual who's not from earth and yet cannot get back home." I say holding my hand out.

"Soo your an alien?" Peter asks.

I gasp "That is offensive!" I say in mock offence.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Peter/Spidey says seeming terrified.

"Dude I'm kidding, it's fine just if you meet somebody else from my planet maybe don't call them aliens... they'll be pissed." I say.

"Why?" Peter/Spider-Man asks.

"Eh, cause they aren't the biggest fans of humans I guess." I say shrugging.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because I dunno I guess they see how humans treat eachother so they don't like them for that reason...I guess their scared of them coming to our planet and killing us all. although there's no chance of that happening." I responded.

"Wait why is there no chance of that happening?" Peter/spidey asks.

"Well our planets closed off. You can only get there if your with a member of the planet." I said now looking at the ground.

"Well can't you get back there?" He asks.

"No.. I can't. At this point I'm stuck." I say sadly "and the worst part is I'll never see my family again, and then I look around and see humans taking their families for granted! It just makes everything hurt more."

"I'm sorry." He responds.

"It's fine, not your fault is it? And you can take the mask off, it's just us." I say as tears roll down my cheeks.

"Could you take yours off too?" He asks.

I narrow my eyes and sigh.

"It's just a hood but sure, I trust you." I said pulling down my hood as he takes off his mask.

"Holy crap! Y/n?" Peter exclaims.

I nod.

"Yup." I say sighing.

Peter seems to have noticed how sad I seemed so he wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey why don't you tell me about your planet." He said hugging me.

"Ok, well...." I began.

An: does anybody even read this?

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now