Chapter 38: Help

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This plan was stupid crazy, I mean they probably wouldn't even trust me, let alone help me save somebody who betrayed them.

I sat in the stolen car with Galaxia driving (badly) with my hands in handcuffs restricting my powers.

As the car came to a stop (or more of a crash) outside the tower I had spent more time escaping imprisonment from then perhaps anything else, to ask for help from the people who had spent ages trying to catch me. It was crazy to say the least.

Galaxia got out of the car and opened my door to help me out.

I stepped out and walked towards their door. As I was about to ring their doorbell, thing I realised, they probably wouldn't answer, I'd need to come up with a clever cover.

"I got a delivery from fed ex for a miss Natasha Romanoff." I called out ringing the doorbell thing.

"Nice try." I heard.

Dang it. New idea!

"Hello, would you like to buy some cookies?" I ask putting on a high voice.

"What kind?" A different voice questioned.

"Uhhhh all of them?" I say keeping the squeaky voice.

It was dead silent for a bit.

"It's for charity!" I add.

Suddenly the door opens. An angry looking man stands looking down at me.

"Your not the Girl Scouts-" He begins.

"And your not awake!" I interrupt hitting him in the head and kneeing him in the stomach knocking him out.

"Ohhhh you must be Happy, I get what what Peter says now, you are an unhappy dude... anyways sorry about that. I don't realise my own strength sometimes..." I say picking up his key card.

I walk into the elevator and swipe the card.

As the elevator goes up I take a deep breath, hoping they'll help me.

I walk onto the floor it stopped at and walked through the hallways. I put my ear to the doors to see if I could hear any voices at all. Eventually I heard a couple of voices in one of the rooms. I swiped the key card and walked in smiling.

"Hey besties!" I exclaimed trying not to laugh as they looked at me with confusion.

"Who the hell are you?" The Black widow exclaimed reaching for her gun.

"Well my real name is y/n but you know me as Grim." I say smiling as the Avengers go into battle stance.

"Grim you are under arre-" Captain America begins.

"Up, up, up, I'm talking." I interrupt "I come in peace not to fight otherwise I wouldn't be wearing these."

I hold up my hands revealing the hand cuffs.

"I can't use my powers." I explain simply.

"Okay but how do we know you actually can't use your powers?" Black Widow questioned.

"Because this was made by competent beings." I shrug.

They slowly lower their weapons but majority of the avengers kept their hands clenched around them not trusting me.

"That's not gonna work anyway- never mind, I need your help."

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