Chapter 28: A really fucking boring chapter

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I took a deep breath before yelling again.


People slowly began to put their hands on their heads and dropped to the ground.

"Good now, give me all your hoodies, masks and sunglasses." I demanded calmly.

"D-don't you want what's in the register?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Why would I want what's in the register when I could just have hoodies, masks and sunglasses? That shits expensive, plus I can't do shit with that, I'm pretty sure y'all put serial numbers on your money." I pointed out.

"It's true people do put serial numbers on money, she wouldn't be able to spend it without getting caught, whilst when she's stealing clothes that probably have millions of copies, she can actually use those without getting caught." A young girl announced.

"See? She gets it." I smiled.

I quickly went around the store grabbing all their hoodies, masks and sunglasses.

"Now take the little ink thing off the hoodies. I don't want ink on my hoodies." I demanded staring at the shop keeper.

"O-okay." She stammered taking them off the hoodies.

"Ok thaaanks, byeeee!" I called out grabbing the stuff and walking out of the store.

I then teleported back to the bathroom to change back into my normal outfit and ran to the alley way Peter was in.

"Here... I didn't know what you like... or your size... so I just got you everything in the store." I muttered giving him the hoodies.

(AN: Oof thas a lot of hoodies.)

Peter said nothing instead he just put a hoodie on. I then handed him a mask and some sunglasses.

"There, now nobody will recognise you when we ditch the alley." I declared excitedly.

"Thanks." He responded pulling up his hood and putting on a mask.

I put the other hoodies in a pile behind a dumpster before putting the sunglasses in my pocket and grabbing Peters hand.

We quickly walked out of the alley holding hands looking around.

I dragged him to a train station.

"Soo why are we at a train station?" He questioned.

"We're both criminals now remember? We can't stay in Queens or we're pretty much screwed. It's where they'd check first." I whispered in response.

"So why wouldn't you just teleport us somewhere else?" He whispered.

"Because... I can't be bothered." I whispered guiltily.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now