The beggining

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"When I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk." The man whispered into my ears

"When I'm done with you you won't be able to move or talk." I snarled back.

"I like the sound of that..." The man said leaning over to kiss me.

I quickly grabbed his arm and his body instantly went still and stiff. I crawled on top of him and whispered "told you~" into his ears before summoning up a knife and slitting his throat.

I stared at the man in disgust I felt no guilt or sorrow for him. Not after having heard a young girl venting to her friend about him raping her when she was on her way home.

I placed a black rose in his hands and went out the window of the apartment. I climbed up and jumped across the rooftops. Suddenly I heard what sounds like a blaster starting, before I could give myself a shield I was hit. I felt myself falling.

When I came to I was in a cell. It appeared to be made of bullet proof glass. I looked down and saw my hands were handcuffed... how fun...

I would teleport out but it appears what ever is on my wrists is restricting my powers. But it's only restricted... not completely gone... hopefully... maybe if I focus enough I can go invisible for a short amount of time...

I close my eyes and concentrate, I need to try go invisible, I cannot go to prison. I suddenly felt myself flickering in and out of visibility. I concentrate harder in order to go completely invisible.

I look down at my hands and legs and see they've disappeared. I quickly start screaming which draws attention from who I recognise as captain America and the black widow. They open the door to the cell and I quickly slip out, pushing them in and closing the door.

"Wow you guys really are stupid..." I say going fully visible. I look at the hand cuffs and limiters on my wrists. I start fiddling with them and they pop off... don't ask me how.

"Mmkay byeeeeee" I say teleporting myself out.

I appear in the small abandoned house I've been staying in. Kinda hard to buy a house when your not from earth... and technically a minor... I change out of my Grim outfit and get into more normal clothes. I sighed, I had almost been caught... well I was... but I escaped.

I waved my hands and a scythe appeared, I ran my hands across the sharp edge. Scythes are my favourite weapons, they're just so... elegant... I guess. Then as fast as it appeared it disappeared.

I sighed regretting asking to come to earth. My 13 year old self had faith in the humans, clearly she was an idiot.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now