Chapter 9: 'its okay'

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An: this chapter includes some hints at r@pe and some gore stop reading if you don't like these things.


I sat on the rooftop of a building in my Grim outfit looking at an alleyway. I suddenly saw a man following a very scared looking girl into an alleyway.

"Come on sweetheart why don't you let loose a little... and have some fun." The man said pulling the girl closer to him.

"P-please just lemme go." The girl muttered sounding scared.

"Not until I've had my fun sweetheart." He said.

A wave of anger surged through me I summoned up a scythe and jumped down from the rooftop.

"OI ASSHOLE! I don't think she consents to that." I snap.

He turned around.

"Oh come on we're just playing around, besides she's asking for it." He said way too calmly.

I scowled.

"How the hell is she asking for it?! And don't say it's because of her clothes, clothes do not mean consent!" I snapped.

"I-uh-well..." He stammered.

"Y'a know what people like you make me sick, you deserve death." I spat.

I waved my scythe over my head and brought it down into the mans head.

Blood poured out of him and I smiled as the scythe disappeared. I looked down at the body and placed a black rose at his body. I then walked over to the girl and looked at her cowering in fear.

I grab her and pull her towards me.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's ok your safe now." I whispered into her ear "he's not gonna hurt you."

I felt her tears roll down her cheeks as I rocked her back and fourth rubbing her back.

See the thing with me is, I will kill bad people but if a good person is harmed or in danger I will drop everything to help them, I mean one of my greatest fears is watching a good person die.

Even if it's just a bit of trauma I'll still do anything to help someone, provided their a good person.

3rd person POV.

Y/n continued to hold the girl and comfort her whilst looking for wounds.

She planned to calm the girl down then help her get home.

Little did she know a certain spider was watching from a rooftop, trying to figure out who she is, trying to find more information on her and confused on why his friends hated her...

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now