Chapter 17 Anxiety

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A/n: Tw: this talks about things like anxiety and stuff. If you suffer from anxiety or depression or anything like that don't be scared to seek help, if the people around you won't help then just talk to me or a friend if you can't get a therapist


After school I told Havine and Galaxia what was going on.

They stayed quiet for a bit until Havine spoke up.

"Y/n, your in love!.. but with a human?"

"Wait, love? No, no, no, no, no, no, I hate humans! I kill them, I would never fall in love with one. Clearly it's something else, I mean I kill humans I can't love one!" I exclaimed freaking out.

"I have a question... can you love a human?" Galaxia said sarcastically. (Do you get this reference?)

I rolled my eyes and turned to Havine.

"Look, I know it's weird but I'm sure it's nothing, I mean he was the first person you really got close to since you came to earth, the first person who hasn't really tried, well killing you. Of course you'd have a crush on him, but you have us, so I'm sure it will all just go away." Havine said soothingly.

"B-but what if it doesn't, you know how our planet feels about humans, if they found out, if I was stuck before I'd be even more stuck I'd never get home!" I exclaimed my breathing growing heavy.

"Hey, your gonna be fine, I mean you killed humans I'm sure they'll let you back even if you love a human I mean you can't control who you love, right?" Havine said hugging me.

My breathing continued to grow heavy and I dropped to the ground tears filling my eyes, I started to rock back and fourth. I began to struggle to breathe. What is going on? Am I dying?

Havine and Aza rushed to me and Havine pulled me into her arms while Aza stood confused.

"Havine... What's going on with Y/n?" Aza asked seeming scared.

"It's nothing ok, she's just having an anxiety attack." Havine responded kindly rubbing my back as I buried my head into her neck.

Anxiety attack? What's that? And why am I having it?

"Hey I'm gonna grab some chocolate to calm you down ok?" Galaxia said getting up and leaving the room.

"I'm uh, gonna make sure she doesn't poison it ok?" Havine said letting go of me and following.

Aza hugged me as I cried.

"It's otay y/n, I'm sure whatever dis anxiety thing is it'll go away soon." She said.

"T-thank you." I mustered out.
For some reason just being with Aza calmed me down, maybe that was her power?

"Nwo pwoblem." She responded as I wiped my eyes.

"Havine, Galaxia I'm fine now! Don't worry about the chocolate." I called out.

Galaxia came out and I was expecting Havine to come out behind her but she didn't.

"Where's Havine?" I asked Galaxia.

"She's an idiot and saw we had no chocolate so she jumped out the window and I guess ran to a shop to 'buy' some." Galaxia said rolling her eyes again.

"Oh.." I said smiling Havine really cares.

"Yeah imma go stop her from robbing the whole store, oh and maybe try and control your 'anxiety'." Galaxia said quite rudely and walking out the doors. (A/N: my mum actually once told me to control my anxiety and emotions :/)

I sat on a chair and Aza sat next to me.

"Is anxiety scary?" Aza asked "Cause it looks scary to me."

"Yeah it's really scary." I said "You feel like your whole world is crumbling down around you, you can't breathe or think straight, it's like your dying."

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