Chapter 20 Mental break down

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Tw: this chapter involves: a mental breakdown and self harm if any of this triggers you skip this chapter (or keep reading if you like being triggered for some reason). If you are self harming or going through something don't be afraid to reach out whether it be to me, a psychologist, a therapist, a parent or a friend, no matter what know there's somebody there for you :)

I had to escape, if I escaped I could find who framed me and prove my innocence, or atleast that I didn't kill that kid.

Then I remembered something.

"Uh could I see an image of the body?" I asked black widow.

She rolled her eyes.


"Fine." She said leaving the room and coming back with a photo, I looked at it for a bit then realised.

"Can I keep this?" I asked.

"Sure whatever." She said seeming confused.

"Thank you!" I said.

I put the picture in my pocket and looked around the cell. How am I gonna get out of this one?

I sat in there for a while when Black widow left the room for some reason.

I continued to sit there looking around, there was al,psy no way to escape. Tears rolled down my face.

I looked up at the camera in the room.

"I didn't do it! It wasn't me, I can't have done it I don't use poisons, my weapons are always blood or shadows, I never use poisons- I-I can't have!" I begin to break down in tears.

"That kid was my friend I-I wouldn't have killed him! I may be a murderer and I may hate humans but I don't kill kids, especially not ones I care for!" I yelled.

I fell to the ground in tears, screaming and crying.


Was this a mental breakdown or just another anxiety attack. I didn't have Aza or Havine this time, I had nobody.

I rocked back and fourth unable to focus on anything. I turned around and began to hit my head against the wall.

"I didn't, I didnt, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't, I DIDNT, I DIDNT, I DIDNT, I DIDNT, I DIDNT, I DIDNT, I DIDNT!" I began to scream.

I felt blood roll out of my head. I ignored it and continued hitting my head against the wall before balling my fists and punching the wall.

I put myself in a ball again rocking back and forth and hitting my head with my hands.

"I didn't do it.." I muttered before falling asleep.

I woke up to voices.

"Uh excuse me sir, Mr Stark asked us to grab Grim to take her to another cell." One voice said.

"Yup!" Another voice said.

"Ok uh who are you exactly?" A third voice said.

"Oh I'm-" the second voice began before being cut off by the first voice.

"She's an intern like me." The first voice said.

Wait- intern?


AN: what did y/n realise? Will Peter be helping her escape or letting her fall? Who was the person Peter was with? Find out in the next chapter :)

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now