Chapter 12 idk

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I spent my whole week feeling the same things, the weirdest part is I only feel it around Peter.

Was I sick? No I don't get sick like that...

Although maybe since I've been spending so much time on this planet I have gotten sick.

I tried going to libraries and stuff to look it up my symptoms on the computer (with difficulty on getting it started) but it wasn't much help.

Maybe I was allergic to Peter? No that's ridiculous you can't be allergic to a person... can you?

On Monday I walked through the halls of Midtown high. I was hoping I could find Peter. Why is that even though I may be allergic to him I wanna be around him more often? WHAT IS GOING ON?!

The moment I saw Peter I ran up to him.

"Hiya Peter." I said smiling as my stomach started to feel funny.

"Hi y/n." He said smiling a bit "um I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at mine tonight." He asked.

"Uh- sure.." I said fiddling with my bag.

"Also don't worry I haven't told anybody that your you know- not from this earth." He said whispering the last part.

"I'm guessing you lied and you told Ned?" I said smiling.


I snickered a bit.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's fine he's your best friend and besides humans aren't the best at keeping secrets." I responded.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Peter says in mock offence.

"I must only speak the truth." I say jokingly putting my hand to my heart laughing a bit.

As we walk to class I feel my heart flutter again and I don't know why.

As we walked into science I took my seat next to him and waited for the class to start.

When class started I felt myself drifting off and staring at Peter far too much.

When school finally ended I walked with Peter to his apartment.

When we entered his apartment we said hi to his aunt May- who was gushing over Peter bringing a girl home- then went into his room to hang out.

"Soo your aunts cool." I said sitting down with him on his bed.

"Yeah." He said smiling.

"Soo what we Finna do?" I asked.

"Well we could watch Star Wars?" Peter suggested.

"Again what the fuck is a Star Wars?" I asked.

"It's a movie..." Peter responded.

"...What's a movie?" I asked confused.


"IM SORRY! we don't have them on my planet okay?" I said.

"Wait you don't? What do you guys watch for entertainment then?" Peter asked confused
"Plays and musicals... my two favourites are some that I'm pretty sure are actually human musicals that we just 'borrowed' from y'all." I said smiling.

"Ooh which ones?" Peter asked interested.

"SIX and Hamilton... oh and heathers."

"That's 3 but we can watch Hamilton.. it's on Disney+" he said.

"...ok." I said as Peter opened up his laptop and put on Hamilton.

We sat and watched Hamilton together. I sang along to the songs (which annoyed Peter) and laughed at king George.

When it was over I was too tired to go home so instead I went to sleep on the floor of his room.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now