Chapter 40: "Friend"

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I sat watching as the avengers tried to find where Havine was keeping Peter, I would of helped but I honestly had no idea what they were doing, besides I'm too busy worrying to help so, not my fault.

Besides, the avengers don't want me helping anyway.

Something about me being 'evil' and 'untrustworthy' I mean honestly you kill a few... Hundred? People and suddenly your evil and untrustworthy?

I mean I'm not evil... well maybe not completely. That's besides the point. I should be allowed to help. I'm literally dating Peter I should be allowed to help.

It's rather rude, like seriously. Just cause I killed people.

"Hey y/n! You with us?" Black widow snapped waving a hand infront of my face.

"Yeah, what?" I asked snapping out of my inner thoughts.

"We've tracked where Havine is keeping Peter, you coming?" She asked.

"Uh sure." I responded getting up.

I followed them out of the tower when I heard someone yelling.

"Y/N!" I turned around and saw Galaxia rushing towards me.

"Took y'a long enough to come out, I thought I'd have to sleep in the car." She snapped.

"The car you stole only to then crash." I pointed out.

"Shut up." She muttered.

"I'm sorry who's this?" Iron man asked looking at Galaxia.

"Oh this is Galaxia, she's also from my Planet and she's my friend." I explained.

"Hi." Galaxia says simply.

"Not much of a talker I see." Black widow states.

"Oh no she is, just I don't think she likes you guys much... or humans in general... Anyways-" I explain.

"Wait why doesn't she like us?" Iron man asked sounding annoyed.

"Well you did try and throw my now best friend in jail when all she was doing was protecting people, which I believe is YOUR job." Galaxia snaps.

"Oookay- before this escalates and ends up in a fight, which Galaxia would totally win by the way, can we please just find Peter?" I interrupt just as Iron man opened his mouth to say something.

"Yeah okay." Iron Man said scowling at Galaxia, Galaxia scowling back.

"Mmkay so uh Galaxia and I can just drive there.. uh I dunno what you guys normally do so, if anybody wants to drive with us you can." I said looking at Galaxia.

"What!? No they can-" she began before being cut off by me hitting her arm. "Oh- Fine."

"Good." I said before getting into the car that Galaxia and I stole earlier.

Galaxia got into the drivers seat followed by Black widow getting into the back.


As Galaxia was driving (Badly) Black widow was clutching onto her seatbelt so tightly, I could see her knuckles going white.

"So do you actually know how to drive?!" She yells from the back.

"Well obviously, I'm doing it now!" Galaxia yells back narrowly avoiding crashing into a parked car.


"Well that's not her fault! We don't exactly have cars or driver's licenses on our planet." I snap before Galaxia can try anything.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, I mean we have Aircraft licenses and shit but you can't get those until your like, what? 18, 20?"

"And I'm guessing neither of you have those?" Black widow questioned.

"Nope I came here when I was about 13, using a pre-programmed ship... that crashed." I explained.

"And Pr-Aza, Havine and I kinda... stole a ship, and Havine 'accidentally' programmed it to go to earth. Although apparently we had different intentions." Galaxia said continuing to fail at driving.

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