Chapter 43: The necklaces

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AN: sorry this shit is so long :)

I looked around the room for any means of escape. I HAD to get out of there. I did not wanna have to wait around, tied to a chair whilst Havines doing who knows what to Peter.

I mean she'd kill him anyways once she finds out that the Avengers are trying to rescue him, so what's the point in me being tied up?

I continued to scan the room for any means of escape when suddenly I got an idea, a stupid idea, but an idea nonetheless. I think I had watched a character in a kids t.v show about a spy kid do this once, the actress actually looked a lot like MJ.

But that's beside the point. I gripped the sides of the chair (best I could with my hands tied behind my back) and slowly using force from my lower body pushing the chair up before slamming it back down hard causing the chair to break.

I wiggle out of the ropes before remembering I still had the cuffs on. I needed to figure out a way to break Atleast the chains of the cuffs so I could move my hands. Then I remembered. I still had a knife in my back pocket!

Praying that Havine or Galaxia hadn't removed it I reached into my back pocket retrieving what felt like the handle of a knife. Carefully I bring my hands close to my side so I can see them, grip the knife tight and begin to saw through the chain holding the handcuffs together. When I finally sawed through them I dropped the knife and ran out of the room, as for my powers I'd just have to go hand to hand for now, until I can find a much sharper knife and cut my hands off.

I wandered through the strange hallways slowly opening doors searching for whatever room Peter could be in. I soon came across a strange door, unlike the others.

It was blood red with a black x at the top. I examined the door for a bit before trying to open it. It was locked. That HAD to be where Havine was keeping Peter. One issue, I couldn't unlock it. I sighed, I'd have to find another way to get into the room. I walked away from the room looking for another way in.

"I thought I told you, if you escape you'll never see spidey boy again." A voice called out from behind me.

"Yeah, we'll you'd kill him anyways considering the avengers are here." I countered turning around.

"And they didn't arrest you the moment they saw you?" She quizzed raising an eyebrow.

"Well, no, I don't exactly understand why. But anyways." I trailed.

"Well I suppose I should kill both you and Parker, I could just say it was in self defence." She declared.

"That wouldn't work, the judges and lawyers will see the truth." I snapped.

"Mmm, but I can interfere with their powers." Havine pointed out.

"Wait what?!" I asked in shock.

"Well, yeah, why did you think you were reading only 'Nice' things in my brain or couldn't figure out I was the one impersonating you. I was screwing with your powers." She revealed.

"Well then, Congrats, you win, and your plan was truely brilliant. I mean framing me, getting rid of everything I ever showed any signs of caring for, honestly genius, you also made sure you had Alibis, amazing! It was almost perfect." I declared smirking.

"Well thank yo- wait... what do you mean almost." She interrogated.

"Well, your whole plan kinda revolved around me not getting help, and well Galaxia betraying me." I explained.

"Okay but Galaxia did betray you though." Havine snapped.

"Mmm, No, No she didn't, she betrayed YOU but me, no." I laughed.

"Okay I think you might of hit your head a little bit hard when you were escaping and it's making you imagine things so I'm gonna just kill you right now." She stated raising her hand.

I put my hands up smirking.

"Here's something you didn't notice, there's a pillar there, which wasn't there before. Maybe you should check it." I suggested smiling to myself.

"Your just trying to distract me I-I'm not gonna check it." She snapped trying to sound confident but her composure betrayed her.

"Well you really should, you might discover it's something, well completely different." Galaxia purred changing into a human and walking behind her.

"I warned you." I cooed smiling and walking towards her.

Havine looked for a way out, fear obvious in her eyes. Before she smiled summoning up what looked like a ball of green mist shooting me in the hip with it and knocking me over. She then bolted off through the hallway.

"Dang it." I whispered sitting up.

"You okay?" Galaxia asked helping me up off the ground.

"Yeah. I'm fine just you go catch Havine, I'll work on a way of getting Peter." I ordered wincing as I put a hand to my wound which was now bleeding.

She looked at me as if she was unsure but I gave her a look telling her 'don't argue with me right now.'

She raised her hands in defence before running off to find Havine.

I then went back to the door and examined it. I could pick the lock but that would require me to have a Bobby pin, which I didn't have with me at the moment. I noticed a chair sitting in the hallway, it wasn't there before. However it did give me an idea... I picked up the chair and began to slam it against the door, in the hopes of breaking it open. Lucky for me, it worked. I rushed into the room and saw Peter, tied to a chair with a black eye, thank goodness it wasn't anything worse...

"Peter!" I cried running towards him and kneeling down to untie him.

"Y/n?" Peter whispered as I was untying him "Is-Is it really you?"

"Yeah, it's me." I laughed through my breath standing up and hugging him.

"I've missed you so much." He breathed.

"I've missed you too. Oh wait I almost forgot!" I exclaimed breaking away from the hug and pulling something out of my pocket.

Peters P.O.V

"Here, I made this for you." Y/n muttered holding out a necklace with what looked like a crystal black rose on it.

I took it into my hands with a big grin on my face.

"I have a matching one, with a spider on it..."She muttered taking out another necklace with a crystal spider on it "You know, our symbols, I know it's stupid, but you know j-just in case something happened."

"You probably don't like i-" She began before being cut off with me kissing her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, smiling into the kiss before breaking away.

"That was nice, although we should probably run." She whispered hastily.

I smiled and nodded before noticing blood coming out of her shirt.

"Your hurt..." I muttered.

"I'm fine Peter, it's just a bit of a scratch." She assured.

"What happened?" I interrogated.

"Nothing Havine just hit me with one of her powers whilst trying to escape, that's all." She brushed it off.

"Okay...I but I am going to take a look at it when this is over." I snapped before putting on the necklace she gave me.

"Okay, jeez." She whispered putting on her necklace.

I smiled at her before we both ran out of the building only to see Havine, Galaxia and the avengers seeming to be fighting.

"Oh yeah... did I forget to mention? The avengers are here..." Y/n muttered "Surprise."

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