Chapter 21: escape

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Tw: more anxiety :)

Peters pov

"So your both interns?" The security dude asked suspiciously.

"Yup." Havine said.

"That is correct." I said.

"And Tony Stark asked you guys to ask me to move grim?" He asked.

"No just to get Grim so WE can move her." Havine said.

"Ok I'm gonna go check with Tony Stark see if your story checks out." He said.

Shit. This is not how I wanted this to go. I need to think up an excuse fast or we're all screwed.

Luckily this Havine girl seems to think really fast.

"Sure, call him, he'll just think your doubting his word, besides Peter here is like a son to him, imagine how mad he'd be at you for doubting the person who's like a son to him, he might even fire you!" Havine said innocently.

I stared at her but she mouthed 'trust me'. So I did, although I don't know how this will work, it's a terrible excuse but it seemed to be enough cause the guards face instantly went into shock and fear.

He walked into the room with y/ns cell in it and walked back out with her.

Y/ns POV.

I listened to the voices talking for a while then the door opened and the dude who was guarding the room opened my cell and dragged me to where Peter and Havine were standing.

He moved to drag me to Tony but Havine and Peter stood infront of him.

"We'll take her to him if that's ok!" Havine said grabbing my arm.

The man rolled his eyes and let go of me.

"Ok let's go." Peter said as Havine pulled me away.

The moment we were out of eyesight Havine and Peter quickly snuck me out the tower.

"Oh my god thanks so much!" I said as I used my blood manipulation to get the handcuffs off.

"No problem, can't have somebody innocent being locked up now can we?" Havine said smiling.

I hugged Peter and Havine smiling happily.

"Hey uh Y/n imma go check on Aza and Galaxia, ok?" Havine said walking away.

"Uh ok." I said simply.

Peter and I quickly ran into an empty building so we could hide.

"So anyways... I have proof it wasn't me who did the murders in the last 2 months." I said.

"What is it?" Peter asked interested.

I pulled out the picture of the body.

"Look closely at the image see something different to the other bodies we know I killed?" I said.

"There's no rose!" Peter exclaimed.

"Ding ding ding!" I said "but of course those human avengers overlooked it, this is why I hate humans majority of them don't think!"

"Ok calm down y/n." Peter said.

"Th-they think I killed a child... t-that child was my friend. I actually had plans to check on him next week, if only I had done it sooner- I-it's my fault he's dead." I said starting to cry again.

Why am I so emotional?

"Hey, Hey it's ok it's not your fault, you didn't know this would happen." Peter said soothingly.

"But it is! I can read minds Peter! Whoever killed him clearly knew I was grim! If I had of just been reading minds I could of stopped it!" I yelled.

I couldn't breathe, I was having yet another anxiety attack. (An: Yay... this is shit I go through daily so imma put it in writing because y not? Y'a know anxiety and shit)

Peter pulled me into his chest.

"It's-Its ok y/n it's not your fault, besides you can't be expected to read people's minds all the time, if you did you wouldn't get anything done." Peter said rubbing my back.

"B-but the kid wouldn't be dead..." I said still crying but slowly gaining my breath back as I buried my head into Peters shoulder.

"Hey, if the killer knew your identity who did know about you being grim?" Peter asked.

"Uh not t-too many people." I sniffled "uh there was you, Ned, maybe Mj, Havine, Aza and uh Galaxia."

"Ok well it's not me, Ned or Mj, the killer had powers which neither of us have, also different skin colours, they had a paler skin tone to Ned and Mj, so that leaves Havine, Aza and Galaxia." Peter concluded.

"A-azas 5." I said.

"Ok so Havine and Galaxia then." Peter said "either of them possibly want to sabotage you?"

"Uh, I don't kn-" I began then it hit me "Galaxia!"

"Why Galaxia?" Peter asked.

"She was rude to me the moment I met her, then suddenly she opens up? It's too suspicious." I said.

"Maybe, but let's not rule out Havine for now." Peter said still hugging me.

"Mmkay." I muttered my cheeks growing hot as I realised how close I was to him.

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