Chapter 26 meep

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"He WHAT?!" Havine exclaimed whilst Galaxia crossed her arms seeming angry.

"He kissed me!... well I kissed first, but then he kissed me!" I exclaimed happily ignoring Galaxia.

Havine squealed in excitement whilst Galaxia scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"So is he your boyfriend now?~" Havine asked happily.

"Uhh yeah... whatever that means.." I said.

"It means you two are dating dumbass!" Galaxia snapped.

I scowled at her wanting to call her out but also not wanting to stoop to her level.

"Y/n has a boyfriend, y/n has a boyfriend, y/n has a boyfriend!" Havine chanted happily.

"Shhh shut up." I snapped putting my hand over her mouth.

"Ooooh is he here?" Havine asked.

"He better not be!" Galaxia yelled.

"He is..." I said.

"Eeeeek!" Havine squealed.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

"No." Havine said.

I put my hand on her mouth to shut her up before looking at Galaxia who had her arms crossed with a look of annoyance on her face.

"Ok, What is you problem?!" I yelled.

"I don't know what you mean." She responded innocently.

"No, you clearly have a problem with something so just tell me what the hell it is because I am sick and tired of thinking I've done something wrong but not knowing what the hell it is!" I yelled.

"You've done nothing wrong." She said simply.

"Well clearly I have so just tell me what it is so I can stop beating myself up about it!" I snapped balling my hands into fists.

"Ok, I don't think you should date a human, you could get trapped on earth and be unable to return home." She said.

"WHAT THE HELL GALAXIA?!" I yelled "ok so you think I can't date a human because I won't be able to return home?! LOOK AROUND! I already cant! Otherwise I'd be there wouldn't I!"


"No, no! Since when did you care anyways ever since I've met you you've hated me! Maybe for once you should FUCK OFF!" I yelled punching her in the face then storming out.

I teleported to my room and grabbed my stuff before grabbing Peter and dragging him out.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now