Chapter 23 no hablo ingles

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During a break between periods I was talking to Havine and Peter. I did read Havines mind but all I read was:

"Omg, omg, omg! Are those two dating? Wait if their dating will y/n be able to come back to our planet? Eh, who cares? They'd be so cute together, and I'd definitely protest if she wasn't."

I blushed a bit then looked at Peter.

Suddenly as I looked at the glass doors of the school I noticed what looked like iron man flying down.

"Shit, it's Tony Stark, think he's mad at you two?" I whispered.

"Us? Why would he be mad at us?" Havine asked.

"Well I dunno Sherlock maybe you broke out a fucking prisoner!" I whisper shouted.

"Oh- think he'd recognise us?" Havine whispered.

"Well I dunno, Probably!" I snapped.

"Oh, well what are we gonna do?" Havine whispered.

I opened my locker and pushed Peter in.

"Stay there and don't make a sound." I whispered shutting it.

"What about me?" Havine whispered.

"Can you change your appearance?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah..." she said.

"Great! Do that." I muttered.

Havine quickly closed her eyes and her hair changed to a lilac, but she left her contacts in.

Iron man walked up to us.

"Do you know where Peter Parker is?" He asked.

"Why no, I don't, who is Peter Parker?"  I asked giving myself an accent.

Before he could talk I quickly interrupted.

"Wait... is he the cute brown haired one in my chemistry class? I haven't seen him in days!" I continued keeping the accent.

"Really? Cause I know he's been at school in the last few days." He said suspiciously.

"Yeah, but we haven't been in chemistry for the last few days, we've been... doing things." Havine said giving herself an accent.

"Sì, Sì, have been doing things." I said and we quickly started to laugh.

"This is serious now where is Peter Parker?" He asked.

"No hablo ingles." I said shrugging.

"You just spoke English now where is he?" He snapped.

"No Hablo ingles, no hablo ingles!" I called.

"I- ok you two are useless." He said before walking away.

"Byeee!" I called out before opening my locker and pulling Peter out.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, You called me cuteee~" He said teasing me.

"Shut up." I muttered before grabbing his and Havines arms and running out of the school.

"Ok so Havine, can you go check on Galaxia and Aza?" I asked.

"Sure." She said running off.

I quickly grabbed Peters hand and pulled him into an alleyway.

"There now it's hard to find us." I said.

I blushed as Peter squeezed my hand.

"Your really clever you know that?" He said.

"Yeah, I know, I'm not human." I said smiling.

"Yeah but I mean actually. You legit annoyed Mr Stark into leaving, not to mention the amount of times you've escaped from the avengers." He said.

I blushed at what he had said then smiled.

"I really like you Peter." I said smiling "like a lot."

"I like you too Y/n" he said also smiling.

I leaned towards him and kissed him and he kissed back.

I smiled happily, I was definitely going to tell Havine.

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