Chapter 34: criminal

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Narrator's POV

Peter caught you as you fell. He held you in his arms bridle style holding you close.

"Parker hand the girl over, she's a criminal." Iron Man demanded.

"No she's not!" Peter snapped tightening his grip.

"She's killed people Pete just hand her over so we can put her into a prison cell." Iron Man demanded.

"I'm sorry Mr Stark but I'm not gonna hand her over and I'm not gonna let you put her in a cell." Peter yelled holding you as tightly as he could as if if he loosened his grip at all you'd be taken away from him.

"Kid, you understand by doing this your aiding a criminal, right?" Iron Man quizzed.

"Yes I understand that, but what you need to understand is she may have killed people but she was just doing what she was taught as a child and besides the people she killed did awful things!" Peter defended.

"She's killed children Pete, how are you gonna defend that?" Iron man questioned.


It was deathly silent for a for a few moments until Iron Man broke the silence.

"If you do this your gonna be a criminal Pete." He declared scowling.

"I know." Peter said simply.

"Well then your under arrest too."

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now