Chapter 44: The end

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Y/ns POV:

I watched as the avengers and Galaxia fought against Havine, and were very much losing. I gripped peters hand tightly as I saw Galaxia get shot with something coming out of Havines hands, right in the stomach.

As she dropped to the ground I let go of Peters hand and ran towards her.

"Galaxia!" I screamed kneeling down next to her looking as she bled out.

I closed my eyes desperately trying to heal her... but it didn't work. I still had the cuffs on and I'm not as practiced with healing.

"Hey, it-it's okay, I'll be fine, just maybe get out of here with Peter before Havine manages to kill everyone." Galaxia mustered out putting a hand on mine.

"Well I mean I would, but without my powers I doubt I'd get 5 miles." I joked.

Galaxia mustered out a small laugh.

"That's-Thats fair." She smiled.

I saw her eyes start to glaze over as her skin went cold.

"Look after Aza for me." She whispered before her breathing slowed.

"No, no, no, no! G-Galaxia... wake up!" I sobbed slapping her face a bit.

"Y/nn, it's okay, just we should probably leave before she kills us both, let the avengers handle this." I heard Peter mutter putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't wanna leave Galaxia!" I snapped.

"Your gonna have to." He whispered.

I gripped tighter to Galaxias motionless body watching as Havine fought the avengers. I was silently begging the universe for something, anything that could stop Havine, when suddenly. I saw what looked like a child float down from a building.

"Aza?" I asked quietly looking at the figure in shock.

"Hi y/nn! Guess what! I figured out my powersss!" She waved smiling.

"Yeah I can see that, how did you even know we were here?!" I yelled.

"Well I was looking at that map with you guys, and then I saw a building that looks like this one and a red door with a black x on it. So i put 2 and 2 together." She explained smiling.

"And why didn't you tell us?!" I snapped.

"You told me to go away." She shrugged.

"I- okay, you gonna help?" I asked.

"Uh huh!" She smiled running infront of Havine.


"Woah, why are you here Aza?" Havine asked stopping her attacking to look at her.

"Well I was just wondering cwoud wu stop attacking the humans? Pweaaaseeeee?" She asked making an innocent face and batting her eyelashes.

Havine looked at her for a while, seemingly in a trance before soon snapping out of it.

"Sorry kid but no." She said raising her hand to attack again.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I was clear. STOP ATTACKING NOW!" She scream her hair raising and turning to flame.

"Jesus Christ!" I yelled in shock.

"Note to self do not mess with that child." Peter muttered to himself.

Havine stared at her in shock seeming to be unable to talk before Aza made a rope appear out of thin air and made it tie her up using what seemed like telekinesis.

(AN: Hahahhahaha OP CHILD! 😈)

Aza then ran over to me.

"LOOK Y/N I TIED HER UP!" She screamed hugging me.

"Yes, I-I see that." I muttered in shock.

"Where's Galaxia? I wanna show her!" Aza exclaimed.

I slowly pointed to the ground to show Galaxia lying on the ground.

Aza simply walked up to her and put her hand on her wound whispering something.

I watched amazed as Galaxias wound closed up. Her eyes then opened. She let out a gasp as she woke up.

"Jeez, my... everything hurts. What happened?" She asked sitting up.

"You were dead." I smiled holding back tears of happiness before hugging her.

We then looked over at Havine who was still tied to a pole.

"What are we gonna do with her?" I asked.

"We could take her to our planet, me and Aza that is, then she can be punished there." Galaxia suggested.

"Wait, she should be going to the raft, not whatever planet you guys are from." Iron man snapped.

At this we laughed a bit.

"Okay, uh how many times have I escaped from you guys when you trap me? We put her in the raft she's definitely going to escape." I laughed.

Aza summoned up a pair of power-restricting handcuffs and handed them to Galaxia who walked towards Havine.

Suddenly a blast of white came out of Havines hands making the avengers and Peter fall to the ground.

"What the hell did she just do?" I asked as Galaxia quickly cuffed her.

"I just erased their memories, Peters of ever meeting you and The avengers of you ever well, showing proof you could be good." Havine laughed.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled seeing red.

"Well, if I'm going to our planet only to be punished, I might as well take away any chance of a life on earth for you." She cackled.

I held back tears as Galaxia quickly grabbed Havine and my arms (with me grabbing Aza) and teleporting us to the front of the avengers building.

"So I'm guessing we're all leaving earth now?" Galaxia questioned calmly.

"Yeah." I stated.

"So how are we going to do that?" She asked.

I looked up, thinking about it for a while before looking to her, smiling mischievously.

"Fancy stealing an air craft?"

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