Chapter 30: Train

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I looked around the station hoping I could find a train.

"So where are we going then?" He asked.

"I dunno, Mexico? Japan? Spain? Oooh maybe Australia? Oh wait no that place is deadly... never mind, uhh maybe Greece?" I suggested.

"Y/n, We can't just leave the country!" Peter snapped.

"Well... why not?" I questioned.

"Because we'd need to take a plane to get there." He whisper-yelled.

"Oh... Uhhh, Dc then? There's a certain Orange there that I want to murder." I suggested.

"How about we don't leave New York?" He suggested.

"Fine. Let's just take a random train then." I snapped.

"Okay then."

I then noticed a train, I grabbed Peters hand and teleported us into a random train compartment and sat down on one of the seats.

"And now we wait." I muttered.

"Now we wait." He whispered sitting down next to me.

I wasn't paying much attention on where the train stopped only on the amount of people who got off on those stops.

"Hey y/n?" Peter whispered to me.

"Mmm?" I whispered back

"Uh, if the people on your planet can gain more powers using an injection, why don't people just give them self every power imaginable? I mean they could be super powerful, all they have to do is inject it in." Peter questioned.

"Good question, uh because we're smart. We know that having too much power corrupts people, so we just don't do it." I responded.

"Uh, have you ever gotten an injection?" Peter asked.

"Nah, all my powers I was born with." I replied proudly.

"Well... why not?"

"Because, I didn't really get a chance, I came to earth at 13, remember? Besides I wouldn't trust myself with that much power anyways." I said looking at my hands.

"Oh... right" He muttered.

I continued to watch the stops as Peter and I sat in silence.

"One more question." Peter whispered.

"What?" I whispered back getting a bit annoyed.

"Uh on your planet do you have royalty or presidents and stuff?" Peter asked.

"Uh we have a royal family, yeah, my parents were friends with them. Although I haven't actually met them, but I do know they did have a young daughter, I don't remember how old she was though, I think about Azas age but probably a bit older... or was it younger?" I replied questioning myself at the end.

"Wait so your parents were friends with the royal family of your planet?!" Peter asked a little too loudly for my liking. I nodded and his face lit up. "THATS SO COOL!"

I quickly shushed him and went back to watching the stops.

"Hey this one has a lot of people getting off." I observed pulling Peter up.

I quickly dragged him off with the crowd and looked around the station.

I soon realised I had no idea where we were so I quickly walked over to somebody.

"Uh, excuse me I was just wondering where we are?" I asked the stranger.

"Oh, Manhattan miss." They responded.

I looked to Peter in shock and realisation.

We had just gotten off the train in the same place the avengers lived.

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