Chapter 37: Finding Peter

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Suddenly I heard somebody call my name.

"Y/n! Oh my gosh, thank goodness your alright!" A voice called out.


I perked my head up and saw Galaxia kneeling down infront of me her hand on my shoulder.

"Galaxia?" I ask furrowing my eye brows.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks soothingly.

"Y-yeah I just can't believe I trusted Havine!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, it's not your fault, she's a manipulative person. If I hadn't of known what she was capable of I'd of trusted her to." Galaxia whispered squeezing my shoulder.

"You knew- why didn't you say anything?" I interrogated my face changing into one of fury.

"Because I knew what she was capable of." Galaxia joked standing up.

I wiped my eyes as I looked up at Galaxia, feeling guilt for not trusting her.

She held her hand out to help me up.

"Hey, truce?" She asks a kind smile on her face as I take her hand.

I nod getting up.

"Sure." I say laughing a bit.

"Now let's figure out how we're going to save your spidey boy." She declared as I hugged her.


A week had passed. We were sitting in the abandoned apartment building Aza clinging to Galaxias arm.

"This is useless!" I exclaim throwing my arms up as we look at the map of new-York trying to figure out where Havine was keeping Peter "Every minute we spend trying to figure out where she's keeping Peter he could be getting closer to death!"

"Y/n, I know your worried about about Peter but you need to be patient, if we just go searching for her with no clue as to where she could be she'd more likely notice and then he's definitely dead." Galaxia reasoned.

"Well she's clearly holding him in Manhattan, I didn't see her move anywhere else." I snapped.

"Well, firstly you were watching what is either a clone or an illusion, secondly your forgetting she might be able to teleport and thirdly it's been a week she could of moved him." Galaxia explained.


"I understand that bu-" Galaxia begins before being interrupted by Aza.

"Whats going on with Peter?" She asks peeking at the map and tilting her head.

"Nothing kid just go upstairs." I say calming down.

Azas eyes glow a lilac for a moment before she perks her head up.

"Hey-" She begins.

"Kid go upstairs this is grown-up stuff." Galaxia snaps.


"KID NOW!" She yells.

Aza quickly runs upstairs in fright I would of too if I wasn't more focused on where Peter was.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh?" I question looking up from the map.

"Eh, it's tough love she'd need to learn it eventually." Galaxia shrugs.

"So like when you threw her off the stairwell in the hopes she would discover an ability to fly?" I point out raising an eyebrow.

"Hey! She would of if you didn't catch her!" Galaxia defends.

"Or we'd have a dead child splattered all over the floor." I reason.

"Yeah, well she'd be living the dream, besides we could prolly find another one on the street, humans being humans that is." Galaxia justifies.

"Ok well we should get back on task, how are we going to find Peter?!" I snap.

"Well we could ask for someone's help." Galaxia suggests.

"Who!?" I exclaim desperate to find Peter.

"Well let's just say, you don't exactly like them, and they don't like you either." Galaxia mutters.

Not just a 'villain'... a Peter Parker/Spider-man x 'villain' readerWhere stories live. Discover now