Chapter 14 very short chapter

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"Y/n this is Aza and Galaxia." Havine said gesturing to the two.

"Hi!" I said smiling.

"Hewo!" Aza said giving me a hug.

"Hi." Galaxia said smiling slightly at Aza.

Havine picked up Aza and put her down on the steps.

"Anyways if you want you can stay here with us Y/n you just need to grab your stuff." Havine offered happily.

"Uh... sure." I said teleporting to where I had been staying and grabbing my stuff.

I then teleported back and Havine led me to an empty room where I dumped my stuff.

I then walked out and looked at Aza who seemed to be trying to fly with Havine and Galaxia watching.

"Should she be doing that?" I asked "I mean she's still young."

"Eh, it's no biggie." Galaxia said watching with a smile on her face.

"But isn't it supposed to come naturally?" I asked "I mean thats what happened with me and everyone else I know, trying to force it will do more harm then good."

"Can you just shut up already?! I just said it's fine!" Galaxia snapped.

"Mmkay..." I said quietly as Aza jumped off from the top of the banister trying to flap her arms.

She seemed to be trying to fly but she couldn't she started to drop to the ground so I instantly held my arms out as she dropped into my arms.

"You okay kid?" I asked as Aza hugged me.

She shook her head and I held her close to me.

"It's okay, your safe, and I'll always be here for you." I said.

She smiled as I held her tighter. I wasn't lying, as long as she didn't hurt an innocent person I wouldn't hurt her.

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